Daily Archive: May 15, 2018


49 Home Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) might not be evidently different from stomach upset as far as many people are concerned. It is, however, one of the more painful gastrointestinal conditions known to man.

It is not easily narrowed to a singular cause, as the symptoms are in tandem with known stomach ailments. IBS can occur with constipation or with diarrhea. The occurrence of IBS with other ailments gives it the coloration of an indistinct ailment.

Hand massage 0

46 Home Remedies for Joint Pain

Joint pains result because of aging, physical exertion, and a range of contributing physiological conditions. In women, the menstrual cycle can cause excruciating menstrual pains, which might extend to the joints.

Aging leads to loss of muscles, which invariably compounds the pressure on the surviving muscle mass. In older people, joint pains can lead to poor mobility.