Daily Archive: July 21, 2018


Should You Give Your Cat Catnip?

Should you give your furry friend catnip? Catnip effects different cats in different ways. While some cats have fun while playing with catnip-filled toys, other cats may become aggressive after using catnap, and other cats may have no reaction to catnip at all. Because different cats react to catnip differently, it is best to know as much about catnip as possible. Once you read this article, you can better-decide if catnip is right for your cat or not.


25 Home Remedies for Anal Fissures

When a tear occurs along the lining found in your lower rectum, anal fissures is the term used to describe the condition.  This condition can lead to recurring pains when you go for bowel movements. They do not normally become protracted or lead to other ailments.


26 Home Remedies for Ankle Swelling

An ankle swelling normally occurs when your muscles are torn or overstretched at any point in time. If your joint is twisted such that your ligaments are injured, the bones connected at the joint will be affected. Ankle sprains can also cause your ankle to swell.