Daily Archive: July 31, 2018
Believe it or not, both the leaves and the fruit of the mango tree have wonderful health benefits which will be discussed in this article. The first section will cover the health benefits of the mango fruit, while the second section will cover the unique health benefits of the mango leaf. Keep reading to learn about some of the mango’s best health benefits.
Melasma is a skin condition that can form almost anywhere on the body. The condition appears as brown to gray-brown splotches most commonly found scattered around the face.
What causes body odor is the bacteria on the body breaking sweat down into different acids that give off smells. Things like diabetes, puberty, and hyperhidrosis can cause you to release different amounts of body odor. While sweat occurs everywhere, there a couple of different places that build up more sweat. Those places include the following: behind the ears, the belly button, genitals and groin, armpits, and feet.