Daily Archive: August 11, 2018

fruits, veggies, vegetable, carrot, apple, banana, grapes, lettuce 0

What is the Paleo Diet?

The paleo diet, to put it as simply as possible, is a diet plan based on what people think humans ate thousands of years ago before farming was common. Only foods that could be obtained by hunting and gathering are allowed in this diet. However, this does not mean that people on the diet actually need to hunt and gather their own foods. It is perfectly fine to get the foods from the grocery store.


19 Home Remedies for Colon Cancer

Your colon is the last part of your large intestine and the last part of your digestive tract. When the cancer is first developing, you get what is called adenomatous polyps. Adenomatous polyps are non-cancerous lumps that turn into colon cancer as time goes on.