Daily Archive: August 17, 2018

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19 Home Remedies for Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones are little lumps that are calcified material that forms from debris in your mouth from your daily activities. They appear on the fleshy part of your tonsil and mouth.  Those who have tonsil stones suffer from bad breath and severe pain while swallowing food and drink.  They often have a sore throat often as well.


15 Home Remedies for Fear of Flying (Aviophobia)

Phobias are fears that are diagnosed by a psychologist or psychiatrist once the fear has appeared. The one most people know includes arachnophobia, the fear of spiders; acrophobia, the fear of heights; and agoraphobia which is the fear of crowds. Another common fear among individuals is the fear of flying or aviophobia. This article will focus on the symptoms, the possible causes, and the cures for overcoming this affliction.

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23 Home Remedies of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are deposits of salts and other minerals that form and gather inside your kidney and become hard. Kidney stones have a couple different causes.  When you’re dehydrated and your urine becomes a dark yellow, and the lack of water allows the minerals to get fused together and crystallize.