Monthly Archive: September 2018

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24 Ways to Prevent Cataracts

A cataract is a type of vision problem. When a person gets cataracts, the colored parts of their eye (pupil and iris) will turn a grayish color, as though they have fogged over. This can make it difficult to see through the eye. This can impact all parts of the vision, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and even night vision.

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20 Lavender Oil Health Benefits

Rich families in ancient Egypt used lavender for embalming, medicines, cosmetics, and massage oils. A Greek physician by the name of Theophrastus wrote of lavender’s healing powers. It was the Romans that started to use lavender for cooking and keeping insects at bay, as well as an air freshener. The Romans also used lavender for health issues as well.   

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17 Ginger Health Benefits

Ginger is in the same family as the spices turmeric and cardamom. Ginger comes in a couple different forms and each form has a different thing you can do with it. You can consume ginger as a juice or oil, powdered, fresh, dried, or as a tea.

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28 Home Remedies for Cold Sores

Cold sores are sometimes called fever blisters because of the way they look. They’re generally caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus and around two-thirds of adults over the age of 50 will experience them. This is a virus which doesn’t always produce symptoms, in fact, only 30% of people with the virus will experience any signs of infection.

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32 Home Remedies for Grey Hair

There are a number of natural home remedies to help bring some color back to your hair and lift your appearance. Many of these remedies have been around for centuries and you could be surprised by how common many of the remedy ingredients are!

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32 Home Remedies for a Sore Throat

In general, a sore throat refers to pain, itchiness, or irritation of the throat.  It can also sometimes lead to a tickling cough. Most people find that their sore throat gets worse when they try to swallow and prevents them from swallowing certain foods or liquids. Even if your sore throat isn’t bad enough for you to take a trip to see your doctor, it can be irritating and uncomfortable. Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to help ease it.

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31 Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks develop when your skin rapidly changes shape through growth, weight gain, or weight loss. Having stretch marks doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong with your health so it’s important to remember that. What it might mean is that you need to monitor your weight (if you’ve finished growing).

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29 Spinach Health Benefits

Quite simply, spinach is a superfood. It has this label because it’s loaded full of nutrients and minerals that help improve your health in a number of ways. This dark, leafy green is highly important for maintaining healthy skin, bones, hair, and general health. It’s been used to help aid health and medication for centuries by a range of different cultures.

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19 Home Remedies for Brain Fog

Brain fog is not its own medical condition, but instead, it is a symptom of other conditions. It is also known as mental fatigue. It can sometimes challenge school and work, but it does not have to be that severe for you to have it.

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18 Dandelion Health Benefits

Dandelions have been used as a medicine since the tenth and 11th centuries. At those times- in Europe- dandelions were being used to treat diarrhea, fevers, liver congestion, eye problems, boils, skin ailments, and heartburn. In other places, namely India, China, and Russia, dandelion as used to assist appendicitis, breast cancer, digestive issues, and liver diseases.