Author: Ely Jaehnig


18 Home Remedies for Swollen Joints

Joints are where two or more bones meet in your body. There are many joints in the body: hips, shoulders, wrists, knees, elbows, feet, and there are even others. Joints move freely and smoothly because of the tissue between the bones. The swelling occurs when fluids build up in those tissues. Luckily, there are many home remedies for swollen joints that can help.

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21 Home Remedies for Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a bacterial infection in the skin and directly under the skin. The infection can cause pain, fever, redness, and chills. Luckily, we have home remedies for cellulitis and its symptoms.

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20 Home Remedies for Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection that one gets in the lungs when the air sacs become inflamed. The air sacs are commonly filled with fluid. In most cases, pneumonia is not fatal, but it can raise alarm if it is a young child, an elderly person, or someone with a weak immune system that has the infection. Luckily, our home remedies for pneumonia can help to treat the illness with ease.

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19 Home Remedies for Chills

The chills are the feeling you get when you are cold but cannot find a decent reason. Maybe you just came back inside after being outside for even just a little while, but the cold from outside does not seem to want to leave. Keep reading to learn some great home remedies for the chills.

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15 Papaya Health Benefits

Papaya was first grown from southern Mexico to the Andes Mountains of South America and in the tropics of America. Through trade, the natives spread it farther south and from there the fruit was spread by Spanish explorers. The plant is still grown commercially by Hawaii. Keep reading to learn more about papaya health benefits.

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18 Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits

It should be noted the growing of apples goes back to the Nile River around 1300 B.C, but the use of apples for cider not clearly documents until about 55 B.C by the Romans. From there, apple cider vinegar was created and used for its many health benefits. Keep reading to learn more about apple cider vinegar health benefits.

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19 Castor Oil Health Benefits

Castor oil is  the extract of the Ricinus communis plant. The extract is taken from the beans of the plant and the seeds are the part of the plant from which the oil is made. Castor oil health benefits have known for about 6,000 years, but the oil has also been used for many things aside from medicine. For example, the oil was also used for making fabrics and working with leathers, it has been used to with the making of wicks, and has even been used as a varnish.

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20 Home Remedies for Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis is a skin condition in which the cells of your skin die quicker than they should. The skin gets red and irritated because the dead or dying skin cells gather on the surface of the skin. The gathering of the skin cells can either appear as almost scaly patches or simply just flaky patches of skin. The rashes can come and go. Psoriasis does not yet have a cure, but these home remedies for psoriasis can help to ease the symptoms.

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20 Onion Health Benefits

The first signs of onions being used for medicine were in the sixth century B.C by people in India. They were not wrong in their findings. Now, onions are used all over the world for their health benefits. Here, you can learn how to use them in your own kitchen.

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16 Cucumber Health Benefits

Most people dismiss cucumbers as a fruit or veggie, but they actually, they are gourds. These green gourds were first cultivated in India 4,000 years ago. With time, cucumbers have come to be grown in China, Europe, Ancient Greece, Rome, and the New World. Keep reading to learn all about cucumber health benefits.