Author: Ely Jaehnig

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16 Snoring Home Remedies

Everyone knows what snoring is, whether because you yourself do it, your partner, a friend, the overplayed grandpa snores on TV. What most people do not know is what causes it. Whatever the cause, these snoring home remedies can help to prevent you from snoring again.

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18 Home Remedies for Frizzy Hair

Every girl, and some guys, have had to deal with frizzy hair at some point or another. But what exactly is it? So, what makes your hair look frizzy and dry is moisture that gets into the shafts and strands of your hair and makes them swell up. Luckily, there are many home remedies for frizzy hair.

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16 Health Benefits of Coffee

Energy-boosting is one of the first known health benefits of coffee. Kaldi passed the word onto nearby monks who made the berries into a kind of drink that would keep them awake in the same way that it did the goats. It did not take long for the word of these beans to reach the Arabian peninsula and from there to the most of the inhabited world.

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16 Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits

While cayenne pepper is most popular for making foods spicy, cayenne pepper health benefits are also something to keep in mind the next time you use this food.

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17 Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds have been found to be one of the very first plants cultivated. This plant started out in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Flaxseeds are just as old as peas, emmer and einkorn wheat, lentils, bitter vetch, barley, and chickpeas. It’s unclear if the health benefits of flaxseeds have always been known, but we know it is just as useful now as it was then.

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15 Pumpkin Health Benefits

There a bunch of different ways that you can reap pumpkin health benefits. You can make with pie and other bakery with it, you can eat the seeds, put the fruit of the squash into soups, you can just eat it plain or with a bit of sugar and cinnamon.

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How to do Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is using the scents of essential oils to assist the health of your mind, spirit, and body. Using aromatherapy can help both your mental and physical health. Before, people used essential oils as perfumes and soaps, but now aromatherapy is being looked into more heavily as a field of medicine and science.

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19 Aloe Vera Health Benefits

While this first tip is not quite a health benefit, it sure makes using the aloe vera gel easier. Aloe vera gel comes in bottles and in capsules. So if you need it for your skin, you can use the gel; if you need it for something else on the inside, you can take a capsule.

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21 Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

During a woman’s menstrual cycle (her period), the uterus contracts as a way to assist in shedding the lining.  What causes the uterus to constrict, is what is called prostaglandins. This hormone-like trigger causes the inflammation and pain, and that overall is what causes the menstrual cramps.

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14 Uses for Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a black powder that can be made from a couple things. It can be made from sawdust, petroleum coke, bone char, peat, olive pits, or coconut shells. The ‘activated’ part comes in because of the high temperatures that the starting ingredient is put through. The high heat enlarges the surface area while reducing the size of pores.