Category: Home Remedies

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30 Home Remedies for Alcoholism

Alcoholism results when there is a mental and physical addiction to the consumption of alcohol. When the use of alcohol is continued for a long time, there will be resultant effects on an individual’s mental and physical state. The implications of alcohol use show up in the digestive tracts, heart, pancreas, and the network of nerves in the human body.


24 Home Remedies for Amnesia

Amnesia is a medical condition that is accompanied by partial or entire memory loss. It varies in different kinds and levels in elderly as well as in certain mental conditions. People who are plagued by amnesia lose their ability to have details memorized and are often unable to recall sufficient details from memory. Forgetfulness does not necessarily translate to amnesia as anyone might forget things at some point.


17 Home Remedies for Fainting

More often than not, fainting is caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. Fainting is a way of the body trying to save itself. When blood or oxygen levels drop too severely, the brain shut down everything that body doesn’t need to survive so that the vital organs can use everything it needs.


20 Home Remedies for Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is when a woman between her 40’s and 50’s stops having menstrual cycles, though it’s not fully diagnosed until the woman’s gone a full year without having a menstrual cycle. While this process is completely natural and happens to every woman, that does not make it any less annoying.

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47 Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat

There are many ways to rid yourself of fat; there are many ways to do so but don’t try them all at once. Work with the ideas that best fit your current lifestyle and add in others along the way to increase the likelihood of positive results.


15 Home Remedies for Impetigo

Impetigo is a kind of common and contagious skin infection that mostly affects young children and infants. The infection appears as sores that can occur around the mouth, nose, hands, and feet.

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41 Home Remedies for Alzheimer’s Symptoms

One of the irreversible brain disorders that afflict individuals is the Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is a progressive one that was discovered in the year 1906 by Alois Alzheimer. The disease was first diagnosed at a German mental institution by the medical practitioner the disease was named after.

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50 Home Remedies for Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a condition that occurs during an overgrowth of bacteria in the buccal cavity. This can cause the tooth to be loosed due to the destruction of the tissue and bones surrounding the teeth. The initial stages of gum diseases known as gingivitis are characterized by swollen gum, reddened, and bleeding gum while eating or brushing.


25 Home Remedies for Anal Fissures

When a tear occurs along the lining found in your lower rectum, anal fissures is the term used to describe the condition.  This condition can lead to recurring pains when you go for bowel movements. They do not normally become protracted or lead to other ailments.


26 Home Remedies for Ankle Swelling

An ankle swelling normally occurs when your muscles are torn or overstretched at any point in time. If your joint is twisted such that your ligaments are injured, the bones connected at the joint will be affected. Ankle sprains can also cause your ankle to swell.