21 Health Benefits of Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a type of healthy bath salt. It is made up of the two minerals sulfate and magnesium. It often looks like chunky bits of sea salt, but the two are not the same thing. By using Epsom salts, our body takes in some of the minerals it offers. Humans are often lacking in magnesium sulfate, which is part of the reason why Epsom salts can be so helpful.

One of Epsom salt’s best-known remedies is that helps to reduce inflammation in several body parts. By putting Epsom salt in a bath, one can seek relief from many symptoms. Below are some of the most useful ways in which Epsom salts can be used as a home remedy, as well as some of its other general health benefits.


Epsom Salt Baths

In most of the health benefits listed in this article, taking a bath will be the main way of using the Epsom salts. To take a bath using Epsom salts, begin by filling your bath with warm water, and then pour in two cups of Epsom salts. Do not add anything else to the bathwater unless directed by the home remedy. Sometimes, soaps may have adverse effects to the Epsom salts, so it is best to not add them if they are not needed.

Usually, one must rest in the bath for at least twenty minutes to get the best results. So, unless otherwise directed, stick with this amount of time. When you are done with your bath, you may find it helpful to rinse your body off with lukewarm water. If any pieces of the salts are stuck to your body, this will help to rinse them away.


Woman in a bath

Internal Uses

Another popular way to use Epsom salt is to ingest it. To do this, one must dissolve a teaspoon of Epsom salt in a cup of water. This will dissolve the salt, making it easier for the magnesium sulfate to digest. However, it should be noted that Epsom salt does not taste good (it’s not as palatable as table salt or sea salt) so many people prefer to use it externally.

If you are thinking about ingesting Epsom salt, make sure to read the label carefully. Do not ingest Epsom salt if there are any additional chemical ingredients, as this could hurt more than it could help. Ideally, a pure Epsom salt will contain magnesium sulfate, and that’s it. If it contains any other ingredients, do not eat it, but you can still use it externally.


Health Benefits of Epsom Salt


  1. Relaxation

When put in a bath of warm water, Epsom salt can make a person feel at ease. Whenever one uses Epsom salts in a bath, it is best to use about two cups of Epsom salts in a full bath of warm water. To make the bath even more relaxing, add about four drops of lavender or jasmine essential oil drops into your bathwater. These essential oils have relaxing scents, which can make this health benefit even more potent.


  1. Menstrual Symptoms

An Epsom salt bath can also help with menstrual cramps and bloating. As many women know, these are both common period symptoms. To use Epsom salts as a home remedy in this situation, simply fill a bath with Epsom salts. It is not a good idea to add any other soaps to this bath, as they may not react well with the Epsom salts. When you are done with your bath, rinse off the excess salt with lukewarm water.


  1. Muscle Cramps

Epsom salt baths are also perfect for treating muscle cramps. Depending on where the muscle cramp is located, you may not even have to sit in a full bath. If your cramps are in your abdomen or legs, you will need to take a bath with Epsom salts; if the cramping is in your hands, feet, or arms, you will not.

When your cramps are in your hands, feet, or arms, you can simply fill a bowl or a sink with warm water and a few tablespoons of Epsom salt. This will help to reduce the cramping without needing to take a full bath. Dip the affected area in this mini-bath and soak it for at least twenty minutes to get the best results.

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Stretching before exercising can help to reduce cramping

  1. Epsom Salt Laxative

To make a laxative from Epsom salt, mix one teaspoon of Epsom salts in a cup of warm water. Stir the mixture until the Epsom salts dissolve. Drink the beverage in one gulp whenever you feel constipated.

Do not drink this mixture more than once a day. Also, in any case in which your drink Epsom salts, you are likely to need to use the bathroom afterward.


  1. Magnesium Intake

If your body is low in magnesium, one way to up your intake is to use Epsom salts. For this health benefit, you can either ingest the Epsom salt as described in the previous health benefit, or you can take a bath with Epsom salts. Either way, you are sure to get a boost to your magnesium levels.


  1. Better Sleep

A report from the NCBI states that taking in more magnesium may help to improve melatonin levels. Since Epsom salts are chock full of magnesium, ingesting them or taking a bath in Epsom salts may also be able to help to treat insomnia.

One of the best ways to use this health benefit is to take an Epsom salt bath shortly before going to bed. Taking the bath at this time, rather than earlier in the day, will increase the likelihood that the bath will relax you and help you to sleep better.


  1. Treating Arthritis Pains

One of the common side effects of arthritis is joint pain. To use Epsom salts to treat arthritis pain, fill a bowl with warm water. Dissolve a tablespoon of Epsom salt in the water. Once the mixture is complete, soak your hands or feet in it for at least twenty minutes. This health benefit can be used up to three times a day, if necessary.


  1. Bug Bites and Stings

If you are not allergic to the bug that bit or stung you, like bees, then you can use Epsom salt to reduce the itching and swelling that usually comes as a side effect. To use this health benefits, you can soak the affected area in a bath or a small bowl of water or Epsom salt.

If you do not have time to soak the area, or if the bite or sting is in a place that is difficult to reach, then you can instead make an Epsom salt paste. To make a paste, mix a 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salt with enough water to make a paste. Rub this paste on the bug bite/sting. Keep the paste on the affected area until you no longer feel itchy or until the swelling goes down.

bee, sting, flower, Epsom salt

Bumblebees will die after stinging so they are not likely to sting unless they feel threatened

  1. Exfoliating

Exfoliating is the act of removing dead skin cells so healthy skin can show. Epsom salt is perfect for exfoliating because it is abrasive enough to remove the dead skin but gentle enough that it will not hurt the healthy skin. To use this health benefit, mix equal parts Epsom salt with water. Rub this mixture on your face or body while you are showering to remove dead skin.


  1. Add Volume to Hair

There are many ways to get healthier looking hair, and using Epsom salt it one of the ways to do it. To use Epsom salt to make your hair look more voluminous, add 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salt to your ordinary conditioner. Apply this as you usually would, and then let it sit for twenty minutes. When the time is up, rinse out the mix with warm water.


  1. Remove Splinters

If you have a splinter, you can use Epsom salt to easily get it out. To do this, simply dip the affected area in a bowl of water and Epsom salt. Soak the affected area in this bath until the inflammation around the splinter has been reduced. Once this happens, it will be much easier to remove the splinter with a pair of tweezers.


  1. Cure for Athlete’s Foot

Epsom salt can also help to cure Athlete’s foot and other types of fungal infections. To use this as a home remedy, simply mix a couple of tablespoons of Epsom salt in a foot bath of warm water. Soak your feet in this mixture for twenty minutes a day, every day, until your fungal infection has cleared up.

foot bath, epsom salts

Adding herbs or essential oils to your foot bath can provide additional health benefits

  1. Blisters

Since Epsom salt helps to reduce swelling, it can do wonders when it comes to blisters anywhere on the body. If you have a blister on your fingers or feet, you can use a couple of tablespoons of Epsom salt in a bowl or foot bath of warm water. If your blister is somewhere that cannot fit in a bowl, you can instead take a bath with Epsom salts.


  1. Heal Sunburn

While Epsom salt cannot be used to prevent sunburn, it can be used to relieve the burning, itching, and swelling that often comes with a sunburn. To use this home remedy, mix a cup of cold water, two tablespoons of Epsom salt, and four drops of either lavender, jasmine, or mint essential oil. Put this mixture into a spray bottle and spray on the affected area as often as needed.


  1. Relieve Headaches

Magnesium is known to help cure headaches. Because of Epsom salt’s high magnesium content, taking an Epsom salt bath can help to relieve headaches. Simply take a warm bath whenever you have a headache. Adding a few drops of lavender or jasmine essential oil can also make the bath more relaxing.


  1. Reducing Anxiety

Having enough magnesium in your system can help reduce the occurrence of anxiety. Taking a relaxing Epsom salt bath can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety as they occur. Doing this often enough may also be able to prevent anxiety symptoms in the future.

lavender, flower, aroma, calm

Adding lavender oil to your bath can also help to reduce anxiety symptoms

  1. Prevent and Treat Gallstones

Gallstones are built up of mineral deposits. Having enough magnesium in your body can help to prevent the buildup of these minerals. To do this, it may be best to ingest Epsom salt. Ingest Epsom salt at least once every two weeks can help to reduce the chances of having gallstones.  

Gallstones are made out of mineral deposits. By having enough magnesium in your system, you can prevent these deposits from building up in the first place. Epsom salts can also be used to treat gallstones. In either case, ingesting Epsom salts is the most direct way to absorb magnesium in your body to prevent mineral deposits.


  1. Cavities

Cavities are a common problem. Ingesting Epsom salt is one way to help to prevent and cure cavities. Although, it is better to prevent than to need to cure. Ingest Epsom salt once every other week for the best results.


  1. Impotence

Impotence can also happen as a result of having a low magnesium level. By bathing in Epsom salt baths or ingesting Epsom salt at least once a week, you can help to prevent impotence symptoms. However, this will not be a quick fix. Magnesium needs to be built up over time, so it may take a month or so for this health benefit to work.


  1. Improve Heart Health

Overall, Magnesium is great for your heart. By taking Epsom salt baths at least once a week, you can reduce the risk of contracting various health problems, like cardiac arrest, atrial fibrillation, and angina.

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Eating foods which are rich in magnesium, like dark leafy green vegetables can also improve magnesium levels and heart health

  1. Prevent and Treat Osteoporosis

Another great health benefit of Epsom salt is that is can help to prevent and treat osteoporosis because of its magnesium content. To use this to treat osteoporosis, simply take Epsom salt baths once a week, or whenever osteoporosis symptoms act up.


Are you more likely to use Epsom salt now that you’ve read this article? If so, comment and tell us your thoughts!








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