19 Castor Oil Health Benefits
Castor oil is the extract of the Ricinus communis plant. The extract is taken from the beans of the plant and the seeds are the part of the plant from which the oil is made. Castor oil health benefits have known for about 6,000 years, but the oil has also been used for many things aside from medicine. For example, the oil was also used for making fabrics and working with leathers, it has been used to with the making of wicks, and has even been used as a varnish.
Castor oil as used as a medicine first by Ancient Egypt and in India (4,000 years ago). The usage continued on into the middle ages and is still used today, sometimes for the reasons as it used by 6,000 years ago.
Castor Oil Health Benefits

Castor oil is extracted from this plant
Immune System
Castor oil has a lot of uses, but this is one huge in the fall and winter when school is starting back up and illnis are spreading all over the place. Castor oil has a way of protecting the lymphocytes in the body. The lymphocytes are the body’s way of best fighting off illness, colds, and viruses.
Skin Infections
Skin infections can be annoying and quite painful. Castor oil helps to calm the swelling and get rid of toxins because of the antifungal and antibacterial compounds that castor oil has.
For a mother that is breastfeeding an infant, fatty acids are very important. So, if you do not feel that you are getting enough fatty acids from your usual diet, you can castor oil to your foods and it should help the you to produce more milk.
It should first be noted that using castor oil for constipation- chronic especially- can cause some diarrhea and cramping, but used in small amounts it can be helpful. So castor oil can be used as a laxative. It more or less just slicks up things in your guts and gets them moving.
Healing a Wound
This castor oil health benefit is rather interesting. Using castor oil as an ointment can help a wound to heal quicker by taking down inflammation, stopping the buildup of dead cells, and helping to quick the growth of new tissues.

To keep the castor oil in place, you can put a bandage over the wound too
Castor oil works very well as a lotion because there are humectants in it that help to your body from having water loss through the top layer of your skin. Castor oil also works amazingly for removing different kinds of makeup. If the castor oil does not do the job well enough on it’s own, you can mix it with coconut or almond oil.
You can make your own body butter with three drops of peppermint essential oil and 10 of eucalyptus essential oil, a half cup of coconut oil, a tablespoon of another carrier oil (olive oil, grapeseed oil, etc.), six tablespoons of cocoa and shea butter, and a cup and a half for castor oil.
Melt down the shea and cocoa betters with the coconut oil and place them in a bowl so you can stir in the essential oils. Once everything is mixed in, you should place the mixture in a jar and cool in the fridge for a few hours. Before the mixture gets totally solid, you are going to want to whip the mixture again to keep it fluffy.
Whether you are suffering from arthritis, a sports injury, or even just growing pain, castor oil can help you because of the ricinoleic acid found it in the oil. You can just rub the oil on to the area that is giving you pain or you can just add it your diet.
Castor oil, because if the anti-inflammation and antimicrobials, is good for staving off things that come with acne. Pimples; blackheads; and the little skin bumps that can be on your forehead, neck, shoulders, and upper back can all be cured by using castor oil.
Rather than the chemicals that you can buy in bottles that have all sorts of odd colors, you can just use castor on the affected area. You can either rinse it off like you would any other face wash, or you can leave it where it is.
Scalp and Hair
Dandruff can be annoying to deal with and can actually make your scalp more sensitive. You can use castor oil a conditioner. It is not too hard. You put some in of the oil in your hair and rub it in before rinsing it out.
There are also the fatty oils in castor oil that can help your to retain its color, shine, and volume. Castor oil has also been found to help your hair grow faster and healthier.

Other fatty oils, like fish oil, can also improve hair quality
Fungal Infections
The are a number of fungal infections and castor oil can help with a lot of them. Some common types of fungal infection include athlete’s foot, ringworm, and tinea. You has even been found to help with yeast infections. Castor oil, in most cases, is more effective than over the counter drugs you can get.
To use the castor oil to fight off this kind of infections, you just need to rub the oil onto the affected area and leave it there overnight. To see the best results, it is best to use the oil for about a week. If you do not see improvements by the end of the week, then it is not a terrible idea to speak with your doctor.
Natural Mascar
You can make your own makeup with castor oil. You can use two different colors, though. Rather than rubbing chemicals so close to your eyes, you can mix two tablespoons of castor oil into a melted beeswax and add in charcoal powder for black mascara or cocoa powder for brown. Before too long, you may not even feel the need for it as castor oil helps hair to grow longer and thicker.
This counts as a castor oil health benefit because it is a natural alternative to make-up that may contain harsh chemicals. If you want to learn more about making your own make-up, read our article, Natural Cosmetics DIY.
Helping With Sleep
Sleep is a very important thing, and most people do not get enough of it. Castor oil can help you to sleep deeply for a longer amount of time. If you need sleep, make sure to get ready for bed early. If you aim to wake up after five to six hours you will be more awake than a wake. Take a just tiny bit of the castor oil and gently apply a tiny bit to each eyelid. It will take too long for you to fall asleep.
Coating grains, fruits, and veggies in a thin layer of castor oil can do impressive things with keepings things from going bad. If you do use the oil to stop the fresh foods from going back, you can simply rinse off the food before cooking with them or eating them.
This is another great castor oil health benefit because it is a totally natural preservative. This is a great way to make food at home, or harvest foods from your garden, to make sure that your hard work does not go to waste.

Some apples at stores are covered in a light layer of wax to preserve them; using castor oil is a much better alternative
If you have trouble with brittle and easy to break nails, then you might want to look into using castor oil to help your nails to become stronger. Apply a little bit to your nail beds each and you should begin to see and feel improvements after a couple weeks to a couple months.
15 Sunburn
Sunburn can be painful and it can flake and peel. Castor and coconut oil can do amazings things for helping your skin to heal fast. The two oils working together resupply the vitamins that help with the healing, they moisturize to stop the skin from peeling and flaking, and they calm inflammation that help to cause some of the pain.
Lip Balm
Castor oil can work in the same way as vaseline does. You just rub a little onto your lips and the moisturizing properties in the oil heal your chapped lips in a fairly short amount to time.
Not everyone is a fan of scar tissue, but castor oil can help the scar to fade if it does not completely disappear. The oil is pretty easy to use or this as well. After you bathe or shower, dry the area well and apply the oil to the area. After you have it applied, feel free to tape some gauze or something over it to keep your clothing clean and dry. It has been found that applying the oil twice a day works best. So you could do it right when your woke up and shortly before you went bed.

Using this home remedy regularly can help to treat acne scars
Improve Circulation
Castor oil has a way of helping the lymphatic systems in the body and helping the lymphatic system also means helping the body’s circulation. A healthy circulation and lymphatic system keep the amounts of blood and lymphatic fluid levels even.
Natural Perfumes
You can make your own perfume with castor oil pretty easily. You are going to need some ingredients and time, though. The necessary ingredients are 12 to 20 drops of a base essential oil (vanilla, sandal or cedarwood, vetiver, or ylang ylang), 25 to 30 drops of a middle oil (chamomile, rose, geranium, or lavender), four ounces of clear alcohol, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 12 to 15 drops of a top note oil (wild orange, neroli, or bergamot).
Mix all of the oils together in a bottle that you can see through, cap the bottle, and then do not tough it for a couple of days. After the couple days, you want to add the alcohol, cap the bottle, and then give a good shaking. After you have shaken the bottle, you want to leave the bottle in a dark place for about a month. You do not have to wait the month, but doing so lets the alcohol to lose its smell and lets oils smells to grow stronger.
Again, this works as a great castor oil health benefit because it is a natural alternative to store-bought products which may contain harsh chemicals.

The best part about making your own perfume is that you can customize the scent!
There are only three major ‘warnings’ that come with castor oil. The to mention first is that pregnant women should be very careful with using castor oil. If you plan on using the castor oil to help with lactation, do not start using the castor oil until after the baby is born. There are still studies being done, but castor oil can actually push women into labor. There are some doctors that use castor oil to assist in the labor, but do not use it yourself when pregnant.
The next side effect that should be mentioned is allergic reactions. Not everyone suffers from this, but it something worth mentioning. Before eating it or applying to your skin, rub a very small amount of the oil onto a small patch of skin and give it 20 to 30 minutes to see how your body reacts to it.
The last one that some people encounter is diarrhea. Because castor oil can be used like a laxative, it can cause diarrhea if you are not careful with how much your take. Diarrhea can lead to the imbalance of electrolytes and dehydration.

100% Pure Cold Pressed Castor Oil, 2 oz. ($6.70)
Will you use castor oil in the near future now that you know all about its many health benefits? Comment below!