19 Home Remedies for Nausea
Nausea, or feeling sick in the stomach, is quite a common occurrence and can be triggered by a number of things. Thankfully, there are also a large number of ways you can tackle nausea and help yourself feel better with natural home remedies.
What Causes Nausea?
There are so many things that can cause nausea that it can be hard to pin down the root cause. Often, any other extra symptoms you experience will help to identify what the possible cause could be. Symptoms linked to nausea could be any of the following:
Diarrhea: when experienced with nausea or vomiting it’s likely you have food poisoning or have come into contact with the norovirus.
Fever: If your nausea is accompanied by a fever it’s likely to be caused by an infection such as the flu.
Heartburn: when accompanied by nausea the most common cause here would be acid reflux.
Dizziness: This can also be a common symptom of a virus like the flu, but it could also be a sign that your nausea is caused by vertigo too.
There are also other common causes of nausea. For example, many women experience morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy— some of our home remedies are extremely effective at tackling this form of nausea. You may also experience nausea as a side effect of any medication you may be taking, drinking too much alcohol or mental health conditions such as anxiety. Travel sickness and motion sickness are also common causes of nausea if you’re on the move.
When to Call a Doctor
If your nausea doesn’t ease or wear off in a few days or if the feeling keeps coming back, you should make an appointment to visit your doctor. They’ll check all your symptoms and will be able to determine a cause of your nausea. If your nausea is severe they may provide you with medication to help ease the feeling.
However, there are things you can do at home to help relieve nausea and reduce the likelihood of needing to see a doctor.
Home Remedies for Nausea
Plenty of Fresh Air
Providing you’re not experiencing an infection and are feeling too weak or tired, getting out for a short stroll can be a great way to tackle nausea. Sometimes the feeling can be brought on by a stale environment or overheating, so getting out into some cooler, fresher air can really help to perk you up.

Try walking in nature; stay away from smog and smoke
Ginger is great for tackling feelings of nausea and can be used in many forms. Some people opt to nibble on ginger biscuits to help settle their stomachs whilst others like to sip on a warm, comforting ginger tea. You can even try putting fresh ginger in your meals or eating candied ginger in between meals.
Ginger has been used to treat nausea for centuries. In fact, in places like China, it is thought to have been used to treat nausea and its associated symptoms and conditions for over 2,000 years!
The numbing, calming effect of peppermint helps to ease your feelings of nausea by helping your stomach muscles to relax so that bile and food can be broken down much easier and pass through your digestive system quicker and smoother causing little or no upset.
As with ginger, peppermint is a great way to tackle nausea and can be taken in a number of forms. You could try drinking a refreshing peppermint tea or simply sucking on a mint between meals could help to ease your nausea. It can be taken in so many forms and still be effective because both peppermint leaves and the oils released are helpful which means that however you get your peppermint you should notice some effect on your nausea.
Also, like ginger, peppermint has a long and timely history of being used to treat the feeling of feeling sick. As an added form of getting your peppermint, you could try using the oil as a form of aromatherapy. Peppermint is so versatile, which is potentially why it’s such a well-used home remedy for nausea.
Lemons and other citrus fruits are a great home remedy for nausea— especially when it comes to treating nausea associated with pregnancy. You could try adding slices of lemon to fresh water as a refreshing drink but really, it’s the citrusy smells that really work their magic.
In fact, the act of simply slicing a lemon or shredding the zest can release its citrus aroma into the air and when breathed in you should see a drop in your nausea. You can also try lemon-scented oils as part of your aromatherapy if that’s your preferred method.
Controlled Breaths
Controlling your breath is another great way to ease nausea. It’s also a great way to ease many other symptoms of anxiety such as the increased heart rate and as nausea can be a side effect of anxiety it’s a great way to tackle both issues at once.
Try breathing in very slowly through your nose, taking in a long, deep breath. Then breathe out slowly through your mouth. You can even try counting as you breath to count how long your breaths are and take your focus away from your nausea. you can also combine this breathing technique with the use of your aromatherapy oils for a really effective home remedy for nausea.
Fennel Powder
Fennel powder is just one of the many different spices that can be used to combat nausea. It’s especially good at reducing nausea associated with the menstrual cycle. If you’re finding you feel nauseous during your monthly period, try incorporating fennel powder into your meals— it can also help reduce other menstrual symptoms such as cramping and the length of your bleed.

Using whole fennel seeds will also work for this home remedy
Like with fennel powder, cinnamon is a great home remedy for nausea during the menstrual cycle. This particular spice can be included in both baking and curry recipes so it’s a good one to try and incorporate into your meals if you’re struggling with menstruation related nausea.
The third spice on our list of home remedies for nausea is cumin. Typically thought to help with the many symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) it’s a good option to help reduce the severity of stomach cramps, diarrhea and, you guessed it, nausea.
Muscle Relaxation Techniques
Relaxing your muscles through techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) can be a great way to ease the tension out of your stomach muscles, easing digestion and reducing the effects of an upset stomach— including nausea.
Try setting aside ten to fifteen minutes and find a place where you feel comfortable and are less likely to be disturbed. Start by tensing your muscles focusing on one group of muscles at a time (but do so gently so as not to injure yourself). Take a deep breath as you tense too. After about five seconds, slowly release the tension from your muscles, making sure you exhale deeply as you do so. You’ll feel the tension drain from your body, leaving you feeling far more relaxed and your nausea eased.
A smooth chamomile tea is a great and popular home remedy for nausea. You can drink it cool or hot depending on your preference or whichever you feel will be the gentlest on your stomach at the time. Chamomile is great for treating nausea as it helps to calm cramping and spasms which can increase your nausea. It works as a relaxant for your digestive system which reduces the tension and pressure on your stomach, helping food pass through quickly.
Vitamin B6 Supplements
This is another great remedy for morning sickness. Vitamin B6 has a huge role to play in your digestive functions and so eases the pressure and tension within your stomach, making it easier for bile and food to be broken down and passed out of your stomach. It’s a good idea to check with your doctor before taking supplements whilst pregnant though.

Vitamin B6 can also be found in fish, poultry, and other meats
A Warm or Cold Compress
Placing a cold compress on the back of your neck can really help to reduce your nausea symptoms; although, this really depends on your personal preference. If you find a cold compress doesn’t work, or if your nausea is linked to abdominal/menstrual cramps you may prefer a warm compress such as a heating pad or even a hot water bottle on your abdomen.
A cold compress can be made using either freezer friendly chill packs or by dampening a clean cloth with cool water. Wring the cloth out so that it isn’t dripping and rest it on the nape of your neck.
Dry Carbs
Eating dry foods that are packed full of carbohydrates can be another great way to settle a nauseous stomach. If you feel like your stomach is settled enough to eat without vomiting, try eating some dry, plain crackers or plain toast.
Avoid Fatty Foods
Foods that are high in fats such as cream, milk, yogurt, or cheese can be really heavy on an unsettled stomach so it’s best to avoid these until you’re feeling better.
Flat Soft Drinks
Sugary drinks are often said to be a good home remedy for nausea, which can seem surprising. In fact, many people recommend drinking fizzy drinks which have gone flat and have reached room temperature to help settle an uneasy stomach.
Sugar and Water Syrup
Making your own syrup out or white sugar and water can be a nice, sweet way of easing your nausea. Try mixing half a cup of sugar with a quarter of a cup of water and heat them gently in a pan, stirring occasionally until a syrup is formed. You can then take a small amount of the syrup as and when you need it to help settle your stomach. It’s best to take the syrup once it has cooled to room temperature though— if it’s too hot you might find it a little too much for your stomach.

Use plain sugar for this, not brown sugar or powdered sugar
Like carbohydrates, proteins are a great way to ease your nausea. If you feel like your stomach will hold food try eating small meals that contain proteins and carbohydrates whilst avoiding fats. Don’t overdo it though!
Eat Small Meals
If you’re experiencing nausea it’s a good idea to try and stick to small portions. Anything too large could unsettle your stomach and worsen your nausea so try and stick to small portions and don’t push your stomach too far.
Stay Hydrated
Try sipping room temperature drinks on a regular basis. Being dehydrated can often worsen nausea so making sure you drink plenty is key; although, try not to gulp down your drink as this could be a shock to your stomach and could worsen the feeling. Try to avoid acidic fruit juices if you can too as this will mix with your stomach acid and worsen symptoms like acid reflux.

Carrot juice is one great example of a juice you can drink that won’t be too acidic
Which of these home remedies are you most likely to try? Comment below!
I’m currently sipping grated root ginger infused in hot water- have also chewed a sliver of root ginger. It’s smelling delicious.