19 Home Remedies for Tonsil Stones
Tonsil stones are little lumps that are calcified material that forms from debris in your mouth from your daily activities. They appear on the fleshy part of your tonsil and mouth. Those who have tonsil stones suffer from bad breath and severe pain while swallowing food and drink. They often have a sore throat often as well.
To prevent this from happening you need good hygiene: floss, brush your teeth daily and gargle with mouthwash. Also, you have to eat a balanced diet. You take your daily vitamins and drink lots of water. Here are nineteen natural remedies you can use to help you combat the tonsil stones from home.
Home Remedies for Tonsil Stones
Medicine Dropper
You know the medicine dropper that you use to give yourself ear drops when you have an earache? Well, you use one of those here. You take the medicine dropper and open your mouth wide open- large enough to see your tonsils. Locate your tonsil stone which you should see in your mouth near the tonsil. Should be a little piece of white there. Place the medicine dropper near on grab the tonsil stone and gently press to release the tonsil stone. Do that with each tonsil stone until gone.

A dropper that looks like this will work well for this home remedy
Salt Water
Gargle salt water regularly whenever you have a sore throat. If that doesn’t work try tea with honey in it. Just a drop of honey though and it should help your sore throat first and then gargle the salt water. This should help you get rid of your tonsil stones.
Garlic Cloves
Chew on garlic cloves to help get rid of the stones. If you don’t like to chew on the garlic cloves, then buy food that has garlic in it. You can eat Chinese food, garlic dill potatoes, pizza, Italian pasta or other similar foods.
Eat some onions daily and get rid of the tonsil stones. Most people eat onions and don’t realize that they help in healing your throat. There is no special way to do this. Just add onions to your meals!
Lemon Juice
Drink some lemon juice regularly to help get rid of tonsil stones. If you can’t drink the lemon juice by itself, then drink it in your tea. Drink lemon juice twice a day. This should help you with your tonsil stones.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Take some organic apple cider vinegar and mix into an equal amount of room temperature water and gargle. Do this each night until you get rid of your tonsil stones.
Eat yogurt daily until you dissolve your tonsil stones. It is best to use plain yogurt for this home remedy, not sugary yogurt with artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. Eat at least a cup of yogurt a day to benefit from this home remedy.

Add berries to your yogurt for added health benefits
Apples are mildly acidic and are great for getting rid of bacteria and tonsil stones. The acid from the apple dissolves the stone on the way down to your stomach. Eat one daily and it should help you out to maintain less or no tonsil stones.
Dental Hygiene
Use a toothbrush daily to brush your teeth, twice a day. Also floss and gargle. Remember to change your toothbrush twice a year.
Cotton Swab
What you do is you take a cotton swab and then you wet the tip of the swab. Take the tip of the swab and find the tonsil stone and gently remove it with the wet tip of the swab.
Eat fruit and vegetables like carrots, raspberry, turnips, cabbage, blueberries, pomegranate, and other types of foods that are high in antioxidants. Simply add more of these foods into your diet to see results.
Ginger and Carrot Juice
Drinking ginger juice combined with carrot juice is also recommended for the removal of tonsil stones. It also helps in taking toxins out of your body; sort of like a body cleanse. Drink this once a day until you see results.

Eating carrot and ginger separately will also work for this home remedy
Avoid Acid and Fatty Foods
Watch your eating of acidic foods. Avoid certain foods that are fried, butter, ghee, salt, white sugar, white flour and red meat. These foods will only make the tonsil stones worse, so it is best to avoid them entirely until your tonsil stones have completely healed.
Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is a very good substitute for milk if you want to drink it but it also helps if you gargle is several times a day in dealing with inflammation. Sometimes if your tonsils are swollen this will help lessen the swelling and therefore make the tonsil stones easier to see.
Honeysuckle Flower
Flowers are also good for helping in dealing with tonsil stones. The flower honeysuckle has certain antiseptic properties that fight tonsil stones. If you make a tea with the honeysuckle flower or add honeysuckle extract to a cup of warm water and gargle. Do this several times a day or in the evening before you go to bed.
Vitamin C
Eat vitamin C through fruits like bell pepper, guava, kiwi, watercress or strawberry. However, remember to avoid acidic foods that are high in vitamin C. It is key to avoid citrus fruits for this reason, even though they are high in vitamin C.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known for its good properties to help with skin but it also helps with the removal of tonsil stones. What you do is this- you mix the fresh aloe vera gel ¼ cup with apple juice half cup; drink on a daily basis.

Organic Aloe Vera Gel ($13.89)
Take an ice cube and wrap it in a cloth or paper towel and then place gently on your tonsils. Make sure you do not choke! Drinking very cold water will have a similar effect.
Look into your spice rack and pick turmeric powder, milk and black pepper and mix it into a drink. Drink that on a daily basis until you no longer have tonsil stones.
Go into your grocer’s vegetable department or your home refrigerator and chew on cucumbers. Simply add cucumbers to your diet on a daily basis to get the most out of this home remedy.

Just a slice or two of cucumber will be enough for this home remedy
The above mentioned nineteen home remedies are just a few of the remedies that you could use to fight tonsil stones. None of these involve surgery or any major invasion into your body and more specifically your throat. The downtime for you in terms of recovery is minimal unless you swallow what you gargle. Depending on what you use you may end up in the hospital.
Also, learn what causes your tonsil stones and avoid that behavior. For instance, if you suffer from a lot of sore throats because of always yelling then have the people around you take it down a notch or two on the noise level so you don’t have to yell. Likewise, if you are aware that you eat certain foods that seem to accelerate or predate the appearance of your tonsil stones then avoid eating those foods once you connect the two occurrences.
Remember, that your tonsils can be taken out by surgery if you have tonsillitis and the doctor recommends it. But this is by no means a way of handling tonsil stones. Surgery should be a last resort for you in any regard. Use one of the methods listed above and be rid of tonsil stones.