20 Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis
Not all bacteria are harmful. They are present everywhere in the body and are necessary for various body processes. In the body, there is a balance in place to keep the activities of the bad bacteria in check. However, when this balance is tipped, infections set in. Bacterial Vaginosis simply means that there are more harmful bacteria in the vagina than good ones. It is a type of vaginitis, leading to vaginal inflammation.
Although the precise cause of bacterial vaginosis is unknown, there are some factors known to contribute to an altered balance in good-bad bacteria levels. Common factors include the following:
- Douching
- Having multiple sex partners
- Smoking
- Excessive use of alcohol
- Bad hygiene
Bacterial vaginosis is different for everyone. However, there are several symptoms that are more common than others when it comes to bacterial vaginosis. If you have any or all of these symptoms, you should see a doctor to be properly diagnosed. While bacterial vaginosis is easily treatable, some other ailments involving the vagina (STD’s, STI’s, and more) are harder to treat and will require a doctor’s care. Common Symptoms include the following:
- Severe irritation and itching in the vaginal area
- Whitish or yellowish discharge with foul odor from the vagina
- Pain during sexual intercourse and urination
- Excessive vaginal discharge
Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis
The symptoms of this infection can have a severe impact on one’s lifestyle, especially the unpleasant smell. Unless treated, the infection can pave the way for many other infections. The following are the best home remedies for bacterial vaginosis that will not only help you deal with the symptoms but also clear out the infections. However, these home remedies are not to be used alone; use these treatments along with any medications prescribed by your doctor.
Cranberry Juice
This beverage is known to clear out bacterial infections like bacterial vaginosis in no time. It creates a balance in the good-bad bacteria ratio. Consume the beverage twice daily until you notice differences.

Eating fresh or canned cranberries can also help
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is an excellent anti-inflammatory oil that can be beneficial for easing swellings, pain, and inflammation. Its relieving and soothing effects on the skin makes it a preferred remedy for bacterial vaginosis. It will relieve the symptoms and heal the infected area.
Put a tea bag of chamomile into a cup containing hot water. Remove the tea bag after a minute and refrigerate for ten minutes. Place the bag inside the vagina, and squeeze so the water can go deep down to reach all the affected area. Repeat this twice daily until the infection clears out.
Of all the valuable home remedies available for bacterial vaginosis, yogurt stands out due to the presence of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Lactobacillus is a good bacterium produced naturally by the body, beneficial for fighting infections and for inhibiting the activities of bad bacteria. Yogurt also helps to balance the body’s pH levels.
Consuming one to two cups of yogurt daily can contribute to building up ‘good bacteria’ levels in the body, and maintaining the vagina’s pH level.
Soaking a tampon in yogurt and dipping it into the vaginal for two hours is another effective way. Alternatively, you can use a cotton pad to apply yogurt on the affected area. Leave the yogurt for thirty minutes before washing the area properly with clean water. Repeat this twice daily until the infection clears out.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil is an herbal remedy native to Australia. Also known as Melaleuca oil, it is a minty oil with therapeutic properties like antifungal and antibacterial. It will not only help clear out the infection but also eliminate the unpleasant odor that tends to accompany bacterial vaginosis.
Tea Tree oil is very potent and requires dilution before application. Add few drops of the oil, together with two or three cups of vinegar to your bath water. Soak yourself in the water for thirty minutes.
Coconut Oil
The antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties of coconut oil make it an effective remedy for treating bacterial vaginosis. It can help clear the infection and prevent future occurrences. It is also helpful for boosting the body’s immune system.
To use, soak a tampon thoroughly in the oil, insert it into the vagina and leave it for two hours. Clean the area with water and repeat the process daily until the infection clears.
Garlic contains natural antibiotic and antibacterial properties and is considered an effective home remedy for bacterial infections. These properties are essential for boosting the immune system and for controlling the activities of the bad bacteria.
Eat raw garlic cloves if you can bear its taste/odor. If you cannot, you can take the capsules (garlic supplementary pills).
You can place a garlic clove in your vagina and leave it for some time, but not more than one hour to avoid soreness. Alternatively, crush two or three garlic cloves and rub your vagina with the mash. Leave it on for twenty minutes before washing off with warm water. You can also blend garlic oil with vitamin E oil and half tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply this blend to the affected area twice daily for the next couple of days.

Garlic cloves and whole garlic
Cold Compress
A cold compress is effective for instant relief from the pain, inflammation, and discomfort which is sometimes associated with bacterial vaginosis. Wrap up a few ice cubes with a piece of cloth and place it on your vagina. Remove and reapply with a one-minute interval. Do this each time you experience discomfort. You can also rinse your vagina with cold water if a cold compress is not readily available.
Warm Bath
Using warm water for bathing can have a soothing relief on the vagina, and can prevent the bacterial infection. Make sure you bathe in the morning and in the evening before going to bed.
Aside from helping to boost the immune system, fenugreek is also beneficial for balancing body hormones and the pH levels in the vagina. It also helps to stabilize the menstrual cycle, a condition necessary for naturally treating bacterial infections of the vagina.
Place a teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds inside a cup of water and leave it overnight. Before eating anything the following day, remove the seeds and drink the water. Do this until the infection clears out.
For instant use, pour a teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds in a cup of hot water. Let it soak for five minutes before straining out the water. You can drink this tea alone or mix with honey. Drink at least thrice daily.
Another way is to consume a mix containing a cup of yogurt and a teaspoon of fenugreek powder twice daily.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is another common home remedy with known antiseptic properties. The acidic nature of this material makes it effective for treating bacterial vaginosis. Apple Cider Vinegar restores the pH balance in the vagina, making it difficult for the bad bacteria to thrive. Its activities also create a balance in the number of good bacteria and bad bacteria in the body.
The recommended usage is to mix two cups of water with a tablespoon of ACV and douche your vagina with it twice daily.
Alternatively, you can mix one or two cups with your bath water and soak yourself for 30 minutes. Afterward, dry the vaginal area. Repeat this twice daily.
Another way to use Apple Cider Vinegar is to mix two tablespoons of honey and water and drink twice daily.
Milk, mainly influenced by the presence of lactobacilli bacteria, is another effective home remedy for treating bacterial vaginosis. It is also a natural immune-booster.
Soak a tampon in ice-cold milk and dip it into your vagina. Leave it in for two hours and clean the area afterward. Repeat this once daily until you get substantial relief.

It is best to use dairy milk for this home remedy
Tracheal Herb
This herbal remedy is an excellent detoxifier and antimicrobial agent. When consumed as tea, it flushes out toxins from the body. A teaspoon with a cup of water, taken daily can help with the infection.
An important component that should be added to your diet course is foliate, especially if you are prone to bacterial vaginosis. It is not only good for preventing the infection, it also contributes to reducing the risk of getting cancer or cardiovascular diseases. It also helps to boost immunity and prevents neurological defects in unborn babies. Common food sources of folic acid are spinach, avocado, asparagus, and cereals.
Boric Acid
Largely used because of its acidic properties, boric can help restore pH balance in the vagina and make the environment inhabitable for bad bacteria. It also contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can offer significant relief to itching, pain, and irritation.
Before going to bed, place the gel capsule containing boric acid inside your vagina. When you wake up, clean your vagina with warm water. Do this once or twice weekly to get the best results.
Hydrogen Peroxide
The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water makes it a safe and natural antiseptic. Its oxidation, anti-inflammatory, and disinfecting effects help to inhibit the growth and activities of the bad bacteria, thus eliminating bacterial vaginosis. It will also soothe the itching.
Hydrogen peroxide is toxic and can cause irritation if applied directly to sensitive areas. Dilute it first by mixing equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water. Douche your vagina with the solution, or insert a tampon (soaked in the solution) into your vagina for thirty minutes. After douching, clean afterward with cold water and repeat the process twice daily.
Citrus Fruits
Consuming citrus fruits like grapefruits, lemon, and oranges is an effective way to boost the body’s immune system. They contain vitamin C and are beneficial for helping the body fight off infections. Eat a citrus fruit daily to get the best results. It may even help to prevent occurrences of bacterial vaginosis in the future.

Adding limes to your drinks is one way to take in more of this healthy citrus fruit
Turmeric is popular for its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties and is one of the best home remedies of bacterial vaginosis. It can help relieve inflammations, swellings and other symptoms of the condition.
For use, mix turmeric powder with lukewarm milk and consume twice daily until the infection clears. It can also be used as a culinary piece.
Oregano is more than just a culinary piece. It is an excellent antibacterial agent that works effectively against bacterial infections of the vaginal. You can use oregano in your cooking to season your food and get wonderful health benefits.
Cedar Oil
Cedar oil is an anti-inflammatory oil that helps to alleviate itching and skin irritation. Mix a few drops of cedar oil and salt with your warm bath water to get relief. Take a bath with this oil as often as once a day to treat the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
Vitamin E
Having an adequate supply of vitamin E in your body can prove beneficial in your fight against bacterial vaginosis. It can be found in supplements or by consuming foods like collards, avocado, kiwi, spinach, and broccoli. It helps to boost the immune system and reduces your chances of getting a stroke and cardiovascular diseases. Consuming up to 100 IU of vitamin E is recommended daily.

Almonds and many other nuts are rich in vitamin E
If after trying the home remedies for bacterial vaginosis and the infection do not clear up, it is important that you consult a physician as soon as possible for an examination. Some sexually transmitted diseases have similar symptoms with bacterial vaginosis.