27 Home Remedies for Gassy Babies
Does your child constantly struggle with breaking or releasing wind? Flatulence, commonly referred to as gas pain, is quite normal to every human being. Releasing gas is a natural, unavoidable human behavior that is understandable. The inability to pass gas easily has grave implications for the digestive system and the entire body. Gas problems may also be experienced by toddlers. This may be due to some special food or habit that triggers intestinal gas accumulation.
Causes of Gas
- Possibly use of certain antibiotics and medications
- Intolerance of lactose, commonly found in milk and most milk products
- Frequent changes in diet
- While eating or nursing, children suck in a considerable amount of air, which results in flatulence.
- Not drinking enough water has the potential of causing digestive problems
- Consuming vegetables with long narrow seed pods like the cabbage, turnip, broccoli, or wallflower
- Not swallowing food properly
- Digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, viral infections, and celiac disease
Home Remedies for Gassy Babies and Children
Carom Seeds
Several studies have shown that carom seeds or more commonly known as ajwain or bishop seeds are healthy to consume. They contain gastro-protective properties and are effective in curing the gastric ulcer.
To use his home remedy, first, a handful of carom seeds should be boiled in a pot. Use a teaspoon your child to drink at regular intervals after it has cooled down.
Massage helps with a range of relief for a number of ailments that plague mankind. They are wholly therapeutic and the healthy effect is laudable. After meals, gently massage the child’s tummy in the clockwise direction to stimulate passage of gas.
Include fiber-rich foods in your child’s diet. These coarse fibrous substances are known to largely comprise of cellulose. Fiber-rich foods are easily absorbed by the human body, which makes them excellent in aiding digestion while minimizing flatulence. They can be found in many fruits, veggies, and grains.

Many baby foods are already high in fiber
This herb is dried latex from the taproot of a perennial herb that is identified as Ferula. It belongs to the spice family and is a healthy lift you can use for meals. It is also one herb that boosts respiratory processes.
To use his home remedy, mix a tablespoon of vegetable oil with a pinch of asafoetida. Heat this up until it is warm. Once warm, rub this mix on your child’s stomach.
Heat Fermentation
Heat eases gastric pain and put babies at ease. Whenever a baby is particularly uneasy, utilize a soft cotton towel to provide heat to the baby. To do this well, simply dip a clean cloth in warm water and rub the baby’s well with the soaked towel. Do this as often as needed.
Proper Eating Habits
The ease of eating properly is such that cannot be overlooked. Teach children to eat properly. Food must be chewed at least ten times before swallowing.
Cardamon (Elaichi)
Cardamon is also known as Chhoti Elaichi in India, is a commonly used herb and is rich in potassium, magnesium as well as vitamin C and iron. It is effective in draining stomach air and speeds up digestion. Add powdered elaichi in the baby’s meal for pain relief attributed to gas in the stomach.

Cardamon pods
Cumin is a remedy treatment for babies above six months of age. It contains thymol, which triggers the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes. This speeds up the digestive process.
To use this home remedy, boil a half teaspoon of cumin seeds in water. Drain the water and let the child drink this at regular interval.s
Ginger has a wide range of uses that suit application for a range of uses. It is not only an anti-inflammatory agent but is also anti-viral and fights against a range of fungi. It should also be used for babies older than six months. To use it, you can put the ginger powder into the baby’s food.
Mustard Oil Massage
Mustard oil has plenty of benefits. But few people are aware of its usefulness in treating gas in babies. Massage baby’s stomach with mustard oil daily. Make sure you dilute the oil with baby oil before you use it, or else your baby may get a rash. This will relieve gas in the stomach, assist with better sleep and strengthen developing bones.
Oral Drops
Simethicone gas drops, available in most drug stores and in different brands helps minimize farting. It is advisable to consult with a pediatrician before using over the counter drugs. In fact, drugs rich in simethicone don’t necessarily have much effect on gas produced in the digestive system. When using these drops, make sure to use them as directed on the packaging.
The human body has a wholesome need for water and it is necessary when battling ailments and infections. Enough intakes of liquids, especially water will help to smoothen the function of the digestive process. Additionally, it assists in the elimination of gas and eases constipation.
It is best for babies to drink filtered warm water, as it is the easiest for them to digest. Do not give your child flavored water or soda, as these are more likely to make your child’s symptoms worse, instead of better.
Avoid Baby Carriers
In most cultures, babies are usually strapped to the body by caregivers. This has the effect of constraining the ease of the baby movement. It recommended rather using baby carriers, to allow baby to be comfortable and freely move, especially the head and breathe easily.

Baby carriers like the one above are best avoided
Leg pumping method is great to relieve baby from gaseousness. It might seem like fun but it is effective and worth applying. Lie the baby down on a soft mat. Gently pump leg back and forth in a cycling fashion a few times. This effectively enhances release of gas in the stomach and provides relief.
Eliminate the Triggers
Gas stomach problems are often due to certain foods consumed. It is true that many foods are sweet to taste but a little contemplation is important for healthy living.As much as possible avoid giving your baby cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beans onions, peas, kale, and potatoes. All these are triggers for stomach gas problems.
Football Hold
The routine for the football hold is such that has been proven to have a positive effect when babies have gas-related pains. Carry baby face down with the stomach balancing on the forearm, legs should straddle, wrist and chin rest near the elbow. In this position, gravity will pressurize the stomach and effectively releasing stomach gas and soothe the baby.
For additional pressure, gently rub the back; back and forth. Putting the baby face down on your leg whilst seated may achieve the same results.
Breastfed infants must be burped after every feed as a matter of course. Avoid putting the baby to bed immediately after feeding. Hold baby in an upright position for a while and gently pat the back. This exercise will help to avoid gastric problems. If you worried that your baby or child is burping too much, read this article.
Feeding Positions
The baby’s head should always be higher than the stomach while nursing or bottle-feeding. This position ensures that milk sinks as low as possible and the air is driven upwards. This makes burping much easier. Tilt bottle slightly up to eliminate air bubbles in the nipple and use a nursing pillow for extra support.

Feeding a baby as above will help to reduce gassiness
The healing properties of garlic are especially potent in relieving stomach gas problems. Consumption of garlic will enhance the digestion process which in turn effectively eases the pain. Since it is rich in inflammation-fighting agents, it is healthy for use in many instances.
Garlic soup and tea can also be used and are equally effective. In all its forms, garlic minimizes the burning sensation caused by stomach gas.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Be sure not to leave out apple cider vinegar on your list of home remedies for stomach gas. Apple cider vinegar is excellent in eliminating digestion related problems. It is also great for soothing pain resulting from excessive stomach gas. Give the child some warm water diluted with apple cider vinegar.
Baby Probiotics
Research suggests that adding pediatric probiotics in the baby’s menu for a few weeks may alleviate stomach gas pains. Yogurt should be added when baby starts on solids. Yogurt helps the guts in a number of ways. It makes that organ get accustomed to different strains of intestinal bacteria and create its peculiar microbial ecology.
Buttermilk has properties to remedy stomach gas pain by enhancing the digestion process. The combination of butter, milk, and salt effectively treat stomach gas pain for babies. After meals, feed your child black salt, carom seeds, and buttermilk. This will remarkably expedite digestion and eliminate possibilities of stomach gas formation.
Time Lapse
Naturally, the baby’s immune system is immature and as such, will experience stomach gas problems. Since tummy gas develops in situations where the cause of stomach gas or pain is not identified, giving it time will often solve the problem. Should the baby be in excruciating pain, however, immediate medical attention should be given because intestines may be blocked,
Lemon Juice and Baking Soda
Lemon is considered the best antacid home remedy for the treatment of stomach gas or pain in babies. Dissolve baking soda into lemon juice and let the baby drink this solution. This will instantly relieve the stomach gas and related problems. Repeat this exercise whenever necessary.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice will work the best
Fennel is one of the excellent home remedies for the treatment of stomach gas problems. The combined properties of antispasmodic and carminative efficiently dissipate trapped stomach gas, thus alleviating pain. On the whole, it essentially prevents the formation of stomach gas.
To use this home remedy, boil half a teaspoon of fennel seeds for ten minutes. When the time is up, strain the seeds from the water, so all you have left is liquid. Once the liquid is cooled, feed the baby or child this drink three times a day.
Avoid Pacifiers
A pacifier may soothe a baby, but strong sucking may result in the baby swallowing more air. This can cause stomach pain. Do not give the baby a pacifier when hungry or asking for something else.
This herb is rich in chemicals that are effective in the removal of intestinal gas. It also helps ease muscles of the digestive tract, therefore promoting digestion and avoid gas formation. It is for this reason that this herb is part of home remedies for stomach gas pain for babies.
Use this remedy the same way you use fennel. If your child is more than two years old, you can add honey to think drink to make it easier. Unlike fennel, your child only needs to drink a couple teaspoons of this mixture each day.
Which of these home remedies are you most likely to use? Comment below with your answer.