32 Home Remedies for Bronchitis Symptoms
Bronchitis is a chronic disease of the bronchi (air passages) in the lungs. These airways are responsible for moving air from the mouth and nose to the lungs, and vice versa. Respiratory infections cause breathing complications, suffocation, and engorgement of air passages. In more technical terms, bronchitis causes the inflammation and irritation of the main air passages of the lungs.
The primary symptom of bronchitis is coughing up yellowish-gray mucus. A sore throat and wheezing may also be noticed in an infected person.
Other known symptoms include:
- Headache
- Extreme weakness
- Myalgia (excruciating muscle pain)
- Throat irritation
- Dyspnea
- Stuffy Nose
Home Remedies for Bronchitis Symptoms
Due to the presence of natural chemicals in fig, it is recommended for the treatment of respiratory disorders in the mold of Bronchitis, asthma, and whooping cough. Get some dried figs, soak in water, and leave till dawn. Eat the figs in the morning. For extra health benefits, drink the leftover fig water as well.

Fig fruit, whole and cut
In addition to the health advantages of ginger, it’s also useful in the treatment of wheezing. Prepare a juice containing honey, ginger, and pomegranate in equal amounts. For positive results, drink the juice two to three times daily.
Black Tea
Infrequent use of this substance also provides respite from respiratory dysfunction. It clears your duct to allow smooth passage of air. The presence of tannins in black tea makes it a match for treating this ailment. Brew the tea for a minimum of three minutes. Ensure that you do not consume more than three cups per day
Eucalyptus Oil
Eucalyptus oil is a proven treatment for respiratory problems. This home remedy works perfectly because it dilates blood vessels and gives room for the passage of air into the lungs. To a cup of boiling water, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Inhale the steam emanating from the mixture.
Honey is known to be one of the best natural remedies for available out there. In all parts of the globe, this remedy is highly regarded for its effect on inflammation, fungi, and other infections. It is virile in boosting the human immunity framework. Consume one teaspoon of honey. For better results, two or three times daily is good.
Licorice contains glycyrrhizic acid which is an effective anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting component. It has anti-inflammatory effects on the lungs and also prevents cartilaginous tubes from becoming red, painful and tumescent. In case you are suffering from a respiratory dysfunction such as Bronchitis, prepare a cup of hot licorice root tea and add one teaspoon of honey. This is a proven remedy.

Licorice root
Fruits and Lemons
Fruits such as papaya, oranges, blueberries, and strawberries are known to have health benefits for victims of respiratory diseases. Eat some lemon or any of the fruits mentioned. You can add lemon to water, sugar is optional. For best results, use once in a day.
Tuna and Salmons
Seafood, like salmon, are known to be efficacious in the treatment of respiratory problems. Nutrients derived from consuming these fishes help raise the immunity of respiratory organs against infections.
For those who do not eat boiled fish, oil extracted from these fishes works efficiently.
Gooseberries are globally known as an excellent home remedy for recurring respiratory ailments. To use this home remedy, crush some gooseberries and add some honey to it. Consume the honey-berries mixtures, and you’ll be surprised at how well it works.
Vitamin D
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a Vitamin D3 deficiency is the leading cause of respiratory diseases most especially in children. Comprehensive studies have also proven metastasis disorder such as respiratory ailments can be attributed to the absence of adequate cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3). Vitamin D quickens the recovery of airways.
This nutrient can be supplied by these foods:
- Cheese
- Mackerel
- Egg Yolk
- Salmon
- Livers
Smite the Mite
Microscopic insects such as dust mites, their droppings, and their dead bodies are among the major triggers of respiratory disease allergies. They are found in the hidden areas of many homes, and they live on dead skin cells we often shed. Reducing these tiny critters or ultimately getting rid of them will prevent respiratory dysfunction allergies.

Dust mites are usually too small to be seen by the human eye. This mite is only 3mm long!
Photographer: Gilles San Martin
Apple Vinegar
Apple vinegar offers an unbelievable result as a treatment for respiratory diseases, most especially for coughing and Bronchitis. It works so well that you begin to feel relieved within an hour of using it. Simply mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water. You can also add a tablespoon of honey or lemon juice to improve the flavor, if need be. Drink this once a day to get the best results.
Turmeric is a bright yellowish-orange spice popularly used in curries. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are responsible for its medicinal use as a remedy for respiratory diseases. The constituents of turmeric help prevent the release of hormone-like substances such as Cox prostaglandins which cause inflammation.
Dissolve one teaspoon of turmeric powder in a cup of heated milk. Drink this few times in a day. You can as well use turmeric powders and tinctures.
Although magnesium is not recommended as the first point of call, although when used it can help mitigate acute respiratory diseases. Its use causes a decline in the level of amine in the body and also, a soothing relief on the cartilaginous tube muscles so that they expand and contract quickly. Once the deficiency of this mineral exists, uncontrollable tightening of muscle and abrupt amine production will be experienced.
You can either take magnesium supplements (as directed on the bottle) or eat foods that are high in magnesium. Some foods that are rich in magnesium include nuts, dark chocolate, dark leafy greens, and seeds.
Vegetarian Diet
Eschew the consumption of animal product such as dairy products (milk allergy) that triggers food allergy symptoms. It is noteworthy that vegetarian diets lack vitamin B12 and macronutrients which are not suitable for children, young ladies, and pregnant women. Therefore, it is essential that you seek a nutritionist’s advice on the choice of vegetarian diet to use.
Evening Primrose Oil
According to studies, primrose oil is an excellent source of GLA (omega-6 fatty acid) which is an anti-inflammatory nutrient. Use two 500-milligram capsules three times daily. Ensure to take them while eating to avoid gastric upset.

Evening primrose oil comes from this type of flower
Salt and Water
Do not be surprised at the simplicity of this particular remedy; rather, concern yourself with the briskness of its efficacy. If you know of anyone suffering from bronchitis and does not have an inhaler but requires a lasting-relief home remedy, then this is the best to use.
The caffeine content of coffee helps to excellently manage respiratory infection attacks due to its medicinal value. When taken hot, it eases breathing by clearing and relaxing air passages. The higher the concentration of the coffee you drink, the better the outcome when used for bronchitis remediation.
It is noteworthy that caffeine should not be used as a regular treatment as excessive intake of the substance is medically unacceptable. So, one cup of hot tea per day is advised.
Peppermint Extract
For home-brewed vaporizers, this is the best option due to its menthol content. Pour one quart of chlorine-free water into a glass, enamel pan, or chrome steel and put it on a stove. To the water, add ten drops of peppermint extract and heat up the mixture. Leave it to heat up for a minimum of an hour until all the water boils off leaving only saturated oil. Inhale the steam emanating from the saturated oil.
Limit Oil Use
Try as much as you can to reduce your intake of oil-based foods to prevent congestion in your air passages. You can resume eating foods cooked in oil once you have recovered from your Bronchitis symptoms.
Parsley Leaf
Parsley leaf is good smelling home remedy known to best induce relief from a cough. The tea should be prepared from the leaf. It will help clear congestion in airways and also provide soothing relief to the throat.

Fresh parsley
The most important chemical components of Skullcap are baicalein and baicalin. These components have a strong anti-Bronchitis effect, and they also help in the inhibition of amine present in mast cell within the lungs. Skullcap is available as a tea, liquid, or in capsules. Take any of these as directed on the packaging.
Avoid Chemicals
Depending on individuals, virtually any chemical is able to trigger respiratory ailments such as Bronchitis. These ailments could be induced by fumes emanating from paints, additives, or fragrances. It is best to keep off the chemical.
Soup helps to clear up tracks of metastasis and further facilitate ease of breathing. SImply eat soup once a day until you have recovered from your Bronchitis symptoms. It is best to avoid soups that are dairy-based, though.
Orange Juice
Orange juice is known to contain Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) which is a water-soluble vitamin capable of stimulating your immune system. Studies have shown that majority of those suffering from one respiratory infection or the other lack ascorbic acid which is an antioxidant. Increasing your dietary intake of vitamin C to a minimum of 300 mg daily will help alleviate the risk of respiratory infection. The recommended 300 mg daily intake corresponds to three glasses of orange fruit juice. Also increase your intake of papaya, broccoli, red bell pepper, strawberries, and blueberries.
Avoid Salicylate
Some individuals are known to react badly to some medicines most especially; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and salicylates. The best option here is to stay away from salicylate and products containing it. Although you may not have reacted negatively to salicylate in the past, a symptom of respiratory disorder might spring up anytime.
Stinging Nettle
For treatment of hypersensitivity reactions associated with respiratory diseases, this herb is a perfect pick. The antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties of nettle help in the dilation of cartilaginous tubes, clearance of nasal airways, the alleviation of a cough and dyspnea. Nettle is suitable for use as an immune booster. You can purchase nettle tea from virtually any food store or online retail stores.

A patch of stinging nettle
Garlic is most appropriate for early stages of respiratory problems as it helps clear lungs congestion. To ¼ cup of milk, add two or three cloves of ginger. Boil the mixture for a sufficient time. Leave it to cool to a moderate temperature before you drink.
This Mediterranean herb is renowned for its active medicinal purposes. It contains lung-cleansing and anti-inflammatory agents such as rosmarinic acid which is an allergy inhibitor. This remedy has pride of place on the outline of medicines that can be used as alternative therapy for treating bronchitis. Oregano offers fast relief from inflammation of the cartilaginous tracts thereby making respiration much easier.
If you are down with an attack, add three teaspoons of oregano into a cup of boiling water. Leave to boil for twenty minutes. To the heated mixture, add some manuka or natural honey. Drink twice daily to get the best results.
Chill Peppers
Foods that provide burning sensations such as chili peppers allows for the smooth passage of air in and out of your airways. Chili peppers contain vitamin C, and also an anti-inflammatory substance referred to as Capsaicin which is responsible for the burning sensation of pepper. Excessive pepper intake might cause irritation, therefore, eat it moderately.
Onions contain antioxidant phytonutrients which are responsible for its anti-inflammatory activity. Quercetin and anthocyanin are compounds present in onion also known to attenuate inflammation. Quercetin is known to inhibit inflammation inducers such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and histamines.
Consuming onions to a great quantity is medically acceptable and beneficial because of its ability to clean up lung congestions. You can consume raw onions or cooked ones in vegetables.
Cold Products
Excessive intake of cold products will undoubtedly exacerbate Upper Respiratory Infections (URI). Taking these products in cold weather is the worst of all. Therefore, to avoid congestions and similar occurrences, desist from taking cold substances.

Avoid products like these, as they might make the problem worse. However, make sure to take any prescription medicine your doctor gives you.
Which of these home remedies are you most likely to try? Comment with your answer below.