38 Home Remedies for Bedwetting
Bedwetting is more pronounced with children, but it can also occur in adults. This condition is also described as involuntary urination or nocturnal enuresis. When children are growing up, they are likely to wet the bed. As they grow older, they are able to exercise control and get prompted to use the toilet when pressed. Other kids continue to experience failure to control their bladder at night and this can be attributed to biological factors. Any school-aged child who wets the bed needs special attention.
Possible Causes
There are several possible explanations for older children, teenagers, and adults who have problems with bedwetting. Some of the most common causes are listed below.
- Hormonal imbalances
- Urinary tract infections
- Nervous control deficiency
- Diabetes
- Constipation
- Sleep apnea
- Emotional stress
Home Remedies for Bedwetting
Dry-Bed Tincture
The ‘dry-bed’ drop can be made from an equal combination of corn silk, oats, berries, plantain leaves, and St. John’s Wort. A child should take 15 drops in the mornings, afternoon, and evenings daily. This measure is for a child that is at least 50 pounds. Do not give this to a child who weighs less than this.
Potty or Bed Pan
Having a potty in the room for children can be helpful. A bedpan can also do the trick. This works especially well for children who are still toilet-training or who have just recently finished toilet training.
Bananas have a coagulating effect. When consumed at night, it serves as a stomach –binder to ward off bedwetting. Have your child eat a banana for a bedtime snack to lower the likelihood that they will wet the bed.
Low Water Intake
People who are having trouble with bedwetting should stop drinking water or eating liquid-like foods (soup, ice cream, yogurt) two hours before bedtime. This does not mean that a child needs to drink less water during the day.
Walnuts and Raisins
Consuming raisins and walnuts before sleep can help reduce the occurrence of bedwetting. This makes a perfect bedtime snack for people suffering from bedwetting.

Night Calls
Taking the child to the bathroom at night is also a good course to ward off bedwetting. Once you start off with this, and the child gets used to the routine, it will become an involuntary course of action. The closer to bedtime that a child goes to bed, the less likely they are to wet the bed in the night.
Using a liner or plastic bag as a fodder under the sheets will not stop bedwetting but can cut the problems of clean–up by half. Vinyl sheets are waterproof and can be of some help. These sheets are made for larger beds as well.
Positive Reinforcement
The theory of positive reinforcement can come in handy when encouraging children not to wet the bed. Come up with a chart that gets ticked after each night to show the progress the kid is making with bedwetting. Depending on the length of time you choose, after each interval, let your kid pick a reward for not bedwetting. You can use this module up to six months to get a clear headway before trying alternative remedies.
Bladder Training
Your child can be encouraged to hold urine for a few more moments during the daytime so that bladder-retention can be developed. The longer the child can hold urine during the day, the easier it will become to do so at night. Urine hold can be practiced in a different way and this will be helpful. Drink lots of water and when it is time to urinate, just hold out for a little while. This will help to develop bladder control and you will get better at this over time. Do not use this home remedy if your child is prone to bladder infections.
Medications can be used to remedy primary nocturnal enuresis, although, they are used as a treatment of last resort. The medical remedy is desmopressin acetate. It is produced to work like the natural hormone found the human body known as an antidiuretic hormone. The use of the drug is gradually withdrawn when there are signs that the child is becoming dry at night. Often, a child might bed-wet after stopping the drug. It is used for occasional scenarios like going to a summer camp or some sleepover party. Stop use of this drug after six months of treatment.
Avoid Caffeine
Caffeine can induce bedwetting and is recommended to be cut–off when bedwetting becomes a challenge. Beverages that include caffeine are some sodas, coffee, tea, and hot cocoa.
Even if your child is frequently wetting the bed, they should still wear underwear to bed instead of wearing diapers. Wearing underwear provides encouragement to the child. They are more likely to try to hold in their urine if they are wearing underwear instead of diapers.
Healthy Diet
Fiber and leafy greens are recommended for anyone who bed-wets. Meals rich in silica, calcium, and magnesium, like milk, sesame, and almonds should be eaten as often as possible to maintain a healthy diet.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera makes children less irritable and can prevent them from bedwetting. Half a cup of aloe juice combined with fruit juice before bed is recommended. Have your child drink this more than two hours before bedtime.
Cinnamon Sticks
Chewing on cinnamon sticks can help to cut down on bedwetting and has proven to be a preventive measure that works. Do not give your child a spoonful of cinnamon powder, as they are likely to choke.

Cinnamon sticks and powder
Horsetail and Bearberry Tea
This herbal mix with oak bark is used in Ayurveda practice to prevent urine flow at night time. Have your child drink this beverage more than two hours before bedtime.
Mustard Powder
This spice can be to remedy urinary challenges in adults and kids. Mustard powder can be added to meals. You can also mix a half teaspoon of mustard powder into a glass of water and milk and drink it more than two hours before bedtime.
Orange Blossom Honey
The blossom honey is another remedy that helps children overcome bedwetting and should be administered before they go to sleep. Have your child eat a tablespoon of honey before bed. The honey can also be added to other snacks, like toast.
Allergic reactions can cause children to bed-wet. The beddings should be changed if it is an unusual occurrence. When the beds are down types of feather-finished, some kids fail to breathe properly and can lose their concentration in the night. If your child is allergic to the family pet, do not allow the pet to sit on their bed.
Parsley is also used to stem bedwetting. It has been reviewed as a good preventive measure. To use this home remedy, simply have your child chew on a few parsley leaves before bed. Parsley can also be added to meals throughout the day to have a similar effect.
Sweet Sumac
Sweet sumac is also known as Rhus Aromatica. It has been proven to be a helpful remedy for bedwetting prevention. The dried bark is processed in warm water so that the tincture can be given to the child before more than two hours before bedtime. If the fresh bark is used, the tincture can be extracted and given to the child as a remedy. The dosage can be increased to 10 drops or a bit lesser per cup of water if the bedwetting is severe. This can be taken up to three times a day.
Jiggery produces lots of warmth when consumed. The warmer the body is, the less likely it is for bedwetting to result. To use this home remedy, add a small amount of figgery to a cup of warm milk. Have your child drink this in the morning.
Avoid Meat
Avoid serving meat to your child as a bedtime snack. If possible, try not to serve your child meat at dinner time. However, giving meat to your child at breakfast and lunch shouldn’t be a problem.
Olive Oil Massage
Olive oil can be used as a massage therapy for kids so that they can beat chronic bedwetting. To do this, rub warm spills of olive oil over the kid’s belly and gently massage to result in muscle strengthening. This will put urinary pressure under control. Do this for ten minutes a day until your child has their bedwetting under control. This is also a worth home remedy for several other health conditions.
Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberries come up as a trusted remedy for bedwetting control. To use this home remedy, crush two Indian gooseberries after deseeding them and mix in a pinch of turmeric powder with a teaspoonful of honey. Have your child use this home remedy shortly after waking up in the morning.

Indian gooseberries
Ready Access
The access to the toilet should be easy and clear so that if the child gets up at night to urinate, it won’t be a bother. Make sure there are proper night lights, especially if your children are afraid of the dark.
This Asian herb is a Chinese invention and is deployed in homeopathy to get rid of bladder complaints. It is also soothing for nervous edginess and can help kids that bed-wet as a result of dreams and nightmares some great deal. Use this homeopathic remedy as directed on the container.
Avoid Preserved Foods and Additives
Avoiding additives and preserved foods are recommended for anyone faced with bedwetting challenges. The easiest ways to avoid these kinds of foods is to avoid frozen and canned foods, as well as fast food.
Passion Flower Oil
Naturally soothing for a calm demeanor, the passion flower is a pacifier that is free of side effects. It can ward–off worries and edgy nerves. When used over a month, it provides a remedy for bedwetting that should be worthy of commendation. Use the oil as suggested on the bottle.
Avoid Shaming
Kids should never be shamed for bedwetting. This will only make them feel poorly about themselves and will not do much to solve the problem. They should instead be praised when they afford to keep dry nights.
Sarson Powder
This is also effective for bedwetting and can be used in a cup of milk by dissolving the sarson powder in the midst. Have your child drink this mix two or more hours before bedtime.
This is a homeopathic remedy that catalyzes the body to maintain mood balance and soothe any fear. It wards off agitation and restlessness. It serves as a preventive bit that helps with bedwetting challenges. Use this as recommended on the container.
Setting off an alarm can help the child get up to use the toilet at the agreed time. This will help the child adjust to emptying the bladder at such intervals. Set the alarms for later times as they grow accustomed to waiting longer to use the toilet.
St. John’s Wort
St. John’s wort works as a remedy that soothes the nerves. It is among the best-known home remedy for bedwetting, and other anxiety-related problems (like anorexia), and is readily available in health and herbal stores. Use this as directed on the package.

St. John’s Wort flower
Silica helps fearful kids and timid ones to get homeopathic help for their bedwetting habit. Use this homeopathic remedy as instructed on the package.
Essential Oils for Bedwetting
Cypress, along with other essential oils, help to keep the urine from flowing as you sleep and this measure is very effective when planning to put bedwetting at bay. To use this home remedy, five drops of cypress should be added to a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Use this as a massage oil or dump it into their bathwater if they bathe before bed.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry restrains urine flow and should be taken two or more hours before sleep to ward off nighttime bedwetting.
Avoid Chocolates and Sweets
Sweets and chocolates should be avoided as they lead to urine flow. Late afternoon and evening consumption should be put off completely for these items. To be safe, do not give your child sweets or chocolate after lunch time.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil added to pure honey is an effective remedy that keeps bedwetting at bay. One way of utilizing this remedy is to tip a teaspoon of olive oil into two tablespoons of honey. Let the child take this nightly an hour before bedtime. Use this home remedy every night until your child no longer wets the bed.
Do you have any other tips to stop bedwetting? Comment below!