40 Home Remedies for Hair Loss
Hair follicles have key ingredients that keep them blooming. One of such is keratin and it is a protein compound. New hair follicles sprout every now and then- old cells are pushed out through the skin open pores or surfaces. This is how new hair comes to life and this is in addition to the fact that the human hair grows by approximately six inches annually.
The hair which is visible is really dead keratin cells. Adults are said to produce 100,000 to 150,000 hair strands from which about a hundred strands of hair fall out daily. It is a usual incident to find loose hair on your hairbrush daily as a result of hair fallout.
The loss of hundreds of hair strands daily should not be a cause for concern. The main time that hair loss becomes a cause of concern is when too much hair loss continuously occurs.
The reason for the above-mentioned statement is that hair loss occurs naturally due to new hair growing. The time when hair loss becomes unnatural and unusual is when more hair falls out than hair that is growing. The loss of too many hair strands might require a professional consultation with a dermal specialist.
Alopecia is the term used to denote hair loss. This hair loss is not the hair loss from the head but from the body as well. Hair loss can be minimized due to technological treatments. Certain household remedies can also work as cures for instances of tremendous hair loss and fallout.
Causes of Hair Loss
The reason why hair thins or falls out may be attributed to the following causes.
Unhealthy Food
The consumption of too much unhealthy food has negative effects on the body in general. No nutrients get transported to the body and one becomes more vulnerable to all types of health problems.
The nutrimental imbalance due to overconsumption of unhealthy food may be the cause of hair loss which may eventually result in balding.
Thus having a balanced diet is of utmost importance for maintaining healthy hair. Eating disorder sufferers are more prone to experiencing eventual balding and a great hair fall out.
Hereditary Causes
The main cause of frequent hair fallout and eventual balding is certainly genes. The loss of hair provoked by genetic causes is termed androgenetic alopecia. Based on statistics from the American Academy of Dermatology; androgenetic alopecia is surely the main reason for hair loss.
The genetic qualities of hair loss need not come from the paternal genes only but may also be attributed to maternal genes. One can most likely expect to fall prey to androgenetic alopecia if both parents have the hair loss genes. This is the most common cause of hair fall.
Hormonal Imbalance
Hair is interlinked with hormones. Any form of imbalance with regards to hormones may lead to alopecia.
Hormonal changes or deficiencies may be a result of menopause, pregnancy or a defective thyroid gland.
Psoriasis results from untreated dandruff flakes on the scalp. Dandruff that has not been remedied can lead to the formation of patches referred to as psoriasis. It can be a life-long problem and is characterized by quick cell regrowth and red spots on the skin’s surface.
Protein Deficiency
We have already outlined that keratin is the protein responsible for hair growth. A lack of this keratin protein can lead to weaker hair strands and inevitably easily breakable hair. The lack of keratin may be due to a thyroid problem.
Harsh Chemical Treatments
Despite the promise of certain hair treatments towards better-looking hair; these treatments may damage hair more. Heavy chemical treatments or heat infused styling like curl treatments or straightening options can actually make the hair strands rather weak.
The weakened hair follicles may promote more frequent hair loss. Services that are offered by salons, such as straightening and curling, can weaken your hair follicles when frequently done.
Since heat treatments are seen as harmful to hair follicles, care needs to be taken when looking the process used for handling hair care.
Home Remedies for Hair Loss
Coconut Oil
Coconuts have more positive hair effects than merely aiding in furthering hair growth but can also act as a hair conditioner. Coconuts contain certain beneficial fats, proteins, and minerals which may stimulate your hair. This works by strengthening it and thus minimizes hair breakage. Coconut has potassium and iron and thus can stop hair loss.
To use this home remedy, heat coconut oil on the stove. Stimulate hair follicles by rubbing the heated oil on the hair focusing on hair roots and tips. The oil should be given at least sixty minutes to soak thoroughly into the hair before the hair is carefully rinsed.
Alternatively, a coconut can be grated and the coconut water can be mixed with ordinary tap water. The mix of coconut water and ordinary water must be applied using two fingers to the hair, focusing mainly on areas where the scalp has become visible. This treatment should be left in the hair to allow the coconut water to work its magic before it is washed off the next morning.

Solidified coconut oil
Aloe Vera
Aloe gel has beneficial qualities in improving the hair and scalp’s PH levels and balance. The pulp from an aloe plant goes a long way into the skin cells. It penetrates right into the scalp and thus stimulating hair follicles to grow.
This is the familiar way of reaping the benefits of the aloe plant as a hair treatment. Remove the aloe pulp from the leaf of the plant or from its stem and use it on the hair. It is important to apply aloe pulp on pre-washed hair. The aloe gel should be applied to the hair in a pattern-rubbing the hair with fingers in circular rotations. The gel must be left on for a few minutes before the hair is re-washed. This home remedy works best if applied to hair about three times weekly and after every hair wash.
Onion Juice
As in many ailments, the use of onions is a formidable home remedy. This is because the onion contains sulfur and sulfur can promote collagen. Collagen aids the growth of hair follicles. Applying onion juices to the hair may reduce hair fall.
Slice the onions thinly and extract onion juices. The onion juice must be left in the hair for less than half an hour. The onion juice should thereafter be thoroughly rinsed by using a harmless shampoo. This onion treatment must be used weekly to reap the full benefits of the onion’s sulfur.
Neem (Indian Lilac)
The neem will also foster healthy hair growth and stimulate the scalp. The neem treatment promotes blood flow on the skin surface and works at making hair more lush. This neem rinse has qualities that will drastically reduce dandruff in the hair.
Boil neem leaves in a pot of water for as long as the water level in the pot reduces to half the amount. The neem water must be left to cool down. The hair must be washed a little while after the neem mixture has been applied to it. Use this home remedy once a week for the best results.
Protein-Rich Foods
Keratin responsible for hair growth is a protein in itself so thus hair growth is basically protein-driven function. The consumption of protein enriched foods allows one to have healthy hair. Lack of protein in the diet may be a cause of unhealthy hair and may cause the hair to become grey more easily.
To take in more protein try to eat the following foods: eggs, beans, seafood, white meat, soy products, lentils, and cheese.
Greek Yogurt
As a conditioner, Greek yogurt works wonders. One ought to remember that this type of yogurt contains a high amount of vitamin B5 as well as beneficial proteins which is healthy for hair. The paste contains honey which has antibacterial functions which prevents hair breakage. Greek yogurt plays a probiotic function known to stimulate hair growth.
Place two spoonful measure of greek yogurt in a bowl. The yogurt must be mixed with a spoon of honey as well as the juice from a lemon. The ingredients in the bowl must be made into a paste. With the same flat brush used for dying hair, the Greek yogurt paste must be put on the hair. Be careful when applying this to roots and tips of the hair. The Greek yogurt must be allowed to sit in the hair for half an hour before it is washed off. The Greek yoghurt paste should be put on the hair once during the week to get the best results.
The benefits of fenugreek cannot be overstated as a hair growth stimulator. Fenugreek also works on the strands by repairing them. Silky hair is to be expected after using the fenugreek masques. Use any of the below treatments once a month to see results.
Allow two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds to rest in water during the night. With the soaked fenugreek make a fenugreek paste the next morning. The fenugreek mix must be blended with added water until the right consistency is achieved. Once achieved, just a few spoons of curd must be added along with an egg white. This mixture must be put on the hair and allowed to soak into the scalp The mixture should be allowed to rest in the hair for about an hour. Once all the above mentioned steps have been followed, the mixture should be rinsed off.
Another option includes also allowing two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds to rest for a night. The wet fenugreek seeds must be ground into a paste form the following sunrise. The paste must be cautiously grinded. The grounded paste must be placed in the hair focusing on the roots and the ends of the hair. The hair can then be concealed using a plastic shower cap. The fenugreek paste must be made to rest in the hair for a few minutes before being washed off.
With fenugreek seeds, the range of options for hair masques is endless. A different method entails frying some of the seeds in oil- preferably coconut oil (1/2 cup). The fried seed mixture must be allowed to cool off as well as get strained. This concoction must be put on the hair focusing particularly on the scalp area.

Fenugreek seeds
The hibiscus is responsible for promoting healthy, grey-free hair whilst simultaneously curing signs of dandruff. Inevitably, hibiscus leads to less hair breakage. To stamped hibiscus, add some sesame or coconut oil. The newly formulated paste can be placed on the scalp and allowed to rest for a while. The hibiscus paste must be washed with a harmless shampoo.
Licorice Root
Licorice root has the ability to heal the scalp and get rid of the dandruff flakes found on the scalp. Healthy hair requires licorice root. To the freshly grinded licorice root, mix in a teaspoon of saffron as well as a cup of milk. The licorice root cure must be put on the hair by concentrating on the area where balding is visible. The cure can be put prior to bed. Hair must be carefully rinsed the following morning. To get the best results, use this home remedy twice a week.
Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry (alma) is a miracle worker for hair. It is filled with essential antioxidants and enriched with vitamin C which counteracts the effect of hair fall. The amla juice itself can be used or the powdery alternative can be lumped up with lemon juice. The amla rinse should be put on the scalp whilst being left to air dry on the scalp. Hair should be rinsed with warm water when you are done.
Beetroot leaves are a source of protein and vitamins for the hair. It is vital to boil beetroot leaves so that water reduction occurs. The water must be half the amount initially placed in the pot before the pot can be taken off the heat. The leaves must be ground and a teaspoon of henna must be added to form a paste. Allow the paste to rest on the hair for several minutes. A thorough hair rinse is required about fifteen to twenty five minutes after paste application. Trying the treatment three times per week yields the best results.
Egg Hair Pick
We are familiar with the idea that eggs have one too many benefits. The reason for this is because eggs contain certain properties which can reduce hair breakage and fall out. Eggs are a source of sulphur and vital proteins for hair and will allow hair to grow.
Use egg whites in a bowl with some olive oil. The egg and oil mixture must be whisked until the perfect consistency is reached. The beaten eggs and oil must be applied to hair. The hair must be washed only after the mixture has been left in the hair for a few minutes.
Green Tea
Green tea aids in helping hair grow. The effect of green tea is that it speeds up your metabolism which inevitably causes hair to grow.
Place tea bags in boiled water until a tea are made and allow it to get cold. The tea bags must be taken out before the tea is used as a rinse. Rub the rinse cautiously in the hair. The rinse can be applied onto the hair after the shampoo and conditioning regime. Hair should be rinsed with the warm tea rinse twice weekly.
As previously outlined, potatoes are beneficial in hair stimulating activities. Healthy hair will result due to the potassium that potato contains. Potatoes are also a source of iron.
To use this home remedy, clean a potato and peel it. Slice potato and insert in a food blender to make potato puree. To make the puree thinner add in little water. Use a sift to strain out the puree. Thereafter, potato juices will remain. Mix in the honey and water to the juice. Put the mixture on the hair and allow half an hour to pass before rinsing the hair. Perform this ritual weekly for the best results.
Lemon Juice
The lemon acts as hair potions which prevent hair fall out. Lemons can also be used on oily hair. Lemon reduces dandruff and the vitamins in the lemon keeps hair healthy. To use this home remedy, juice a lemon. dilute the lemon juice in hot water. Use this mixture as a hair rinse twice a week to get the best results.

Fresh squeezed lemon juice will work the best
Honey, Olive Oil, and Cinnamon
An even mix of honey, olive oil, and cinnamon must be used on the hair. This combination is a perfect hair remedy. Weekly use of this hair pack yields the best results.
Curry Leaves
Curry leaves must be boiled and applied to the hair. Rub thoroughly into the hair. The use of this treatment can prove to be beneficial for hair.
Aloe Vera, Indian Gooseberry, Shikakai, And Neem Powder
The remedy works well when a healthy routine was maintained. Mix equal amounts of aloe vera gel, crushed Indian gooseberries, shikai, and need powder to make a paste. Massage this paste into the scalp while taking a shower. Use this home remedy once every two weeks to get the best results.
Use Shampoo
Shampoo your hair no more than three times weekly. Also, conditioning hair after shampooing it is ideal. The use of some anti frizz shampoo will tame hair.
Hot Oil Treatment
Heated oils works as a hair treatment that is efficacious when applied as recommended. The danger of the method is that it causes premature graying. The oils that can be used include safflower, canola, or olive oil.
Warm the oil but not overheat it. The warm oil must be rubbed into the scalp. Use a shower cap to keep the oil in the hair for sixty minutes. When the time is up, rinse off the warm oil with warm water.
Exercise Regularly
Constant exercise promotes blood circulation and thus promotes oxygen to the scalp. The suggested time frame is at least thirty minutes for best results.
Trim Your Hair Regularly
The human hair grows with no coordination and can cover your entire forehead if left to proliferate. When the hair grows, some come out strong and full while others might be weak and tiny.Split ends led to hair fall out. Regular hair trims prevents fall out.

Trimming your hair once every six weeks should work well for this home solution
Avoid Steamy Showers
Warm water causes dehydration and makes the hair more prone to breakage. A hair rinse prevents breakages so instead of steamy showers, you should use normal water. It can be preferable to have your hair tucked away under a shower cap if you are keen on steam baths
Iron-Rich Foods
Iron takes oxygen to the body. A lack of iron stymies circulation which can cause hair loss. To add more iron into your diet naturally, try incorporating some of these foods into your diet: leafy green vegetables, eggs, meat, dried fruits, seafood, poultry, beans, and nuts.
Stay Hydrated
To avoid hair dehydration it is important to stay hydrated. Having eight glasses of purified water daily is best to stay hydrated. Water is needed for proper functioning of the physiological processes and your wellbeing.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) works to clean the scalp and maintain optimal PH balance for your hair. Make a solution by putting 75ml of ACV with 15 ml of water. Put the ACV solution to the hair and rinse the hair thereafter. This will promote hair growth.
Coconut Oil and Curry Leaves Mix
Curry leaves as previously mentioned encourages hair growth. Take curry leaves and use them in hair to prevent graying. Old folk tales includes the benefits of curry leaves and as such can be used in hair.
Mixing curry leaves with coconut oil proves beneficial for hair. Fats in coconut oil protect hair strands. Curry leaves paste is excellent for hair as the fat in coconut oil protects hair strands. Rub this paste in your hair as you shower to receive the benefits from this mix.

Curry leaves
Vitamin E Oil
Vitamin E promotes oxygen in the body and thus fosters blood flow in the scalp. Rubbing the vitamin in the oils helps protect the hair. After application, the hair must be washed off.
Lavender Oil Massage
Lavender oil is fragranced oil which stops hair loss. The oil further has antiseptic properties. Oils prevent dandruff. This oil treats alopecia areata. Jojoba oils can also be used with lavender oils. Make sure to dilute this essential oil before using it. To learn more about adding essential oils to your shampoos, read this article.
Castor Oil
Castor oil had beneficial properties and makes hair grow due to vitamin E and amino acids. This is why it fits effectively when used as a scalp treatment solution. Amino acids help the hair strands grow. Castor oil is strong and can be mixed with olive and almond oils. Rub the oil in the hair for sixty minutes and wash with a gentle cleanser. The castor oil treatment can be repeated regularly.
Geranium Oil Massage
Geranium oil can be used for dry and oily hair. This remedy is reputed as a natural means to get the body a diuretic. This means that it can expel toxins from your body when in the needed supply measures. It is able to lift your mood and gives you a good feeling.
Aside from this therapeutic effect, it is non-irritant, toxin-free and any sensitive skin will find a good ally in this remedy. It is reputed to treat congested skin, eczema and even fluffy dandruff-ridden scalp. It is commonly prepared by the distillation process to arrive at the pure end. Leaves and stem of the plant will yield the pure oil under the right distillation process. The geranium oil works by acting on the sebaceous glands thus strengthens hair while making the hair healthy.
To use this home remedy, wash off your hair with organic cleanse. Work the oil into your hair. Leave on the hair to treat the scalp and firm your hair roots.
Omega- 3 Fatty Acids
Omega acids work on the scalp. The omega acid fosters healthy hair and makes it grow. Omega makes hair elastic and relieves itchiness. Eat meals rich in this nutrient and watch your hair spring to life. Foods rich in Omega-3s are salmon, tuna, walnuts, soybeans, and flaxseeds.

Fish dinner
Zinc-Rich Foods
A lack of zinc can lead to hair breakage. Zinc builds up proteins to grow hair and fosters tissue growth. Having zinc-rich foods makes hormones healthy and regulates testosterone in the body. Zinc can be found naturally in seafood, green leafy vegetables, seeds, beef, nuts, and chicken.
Garlic has high sulfur in it. The garlic is beneficial as a high growing treatment. Used crushed garlic cloves and coconut oil for this home remedy. To the cloves, add some coconut oil to it and put it to a boil for a good few minutes. Allow it to cool down. Let the garlic mixture stay in the hair for about half an hour. The treatment must be repeated four times a month.
Quit Excess Products
The use of many hair styling tools including gels and mousse can cause a product build up in the hair. If these hair product build-ups are not effectively cleansed it can promote further dandruff and hair fall out.
Therefore, it is best to avoid overuse of hair tonics and styling products. Paraben-free products are best for hair. Avoid the used of sulfates as well which may cause hair damage. Certain chemical cures such as perms and permanent hair straightening during rains. These products may harm the scalp and provoke hair to fall out or break.
Avocado Mask
Avocados supposedly have many vitamins and minerals which can lead to healthier hair and prevent the drying out of hair. To reap the benefits of avocado one can make a mask using smashed avocados. This mask can be left on the hair for more than half an hour before the mask is rinsed off. This avocado mask can be used once a week. Also, avocados can be combined with bananas and other hair tonics.

Fresh avocado
Yogurt and Egg White
Use egg whites and mix in a bowl with some curd; add as shikakai or neem powder. Put this paste on the hair. Wash the hair. Use this whenever you notice your hair beginning to fall out.
Stop Blow Drying Your Hair
Excessive blow drying can dry out hair. The hair drying process is not healthy for hair blooming. Instead, try to let your hair dry naturally. If you do not have time for that, then towel-dry your hair instead.
Lettuce and Spinach
The effective way to prevent hair loss is to use some spinach and lettuce. The beneficial greens are a source of vitamins and minerals for hair. Spinach and lettuce is also full of iron as well biotin content. The spinach and lettuce can make hair healthy.
To reap the benefits of spinach and lettuce it must be included in her diet. Half boiled and half cooked spinach can work wonders for the hair. A spinach and lettuce smoothie can be consumed regularly to keep healthy hair.
Yucca Plant and Yucca Root Powder
Native American tribes used to prepare the Yucca plant root to prevent hair loss and breakage. Yucca root, as well as yucca root powder, must be obtained from surrounding grocery or health stores. You can also make yucca root shampoo at home.
Peeling the outer layer of the yucca root is the first step and will lead to the white part being exposed. The root must thereafter be smashed to bits. The wet yucca root can be a soap to be used in the hair. Use this as often as needed.
Which of these home remedies appeal to you the most? Comment with your answer below!