40 Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure
The force at which the blood pushes the arteries to exert on the walls as the heart pumps is called blood pressure. Medically, the systolic pressure rating over the diastolic pressure is recorded as blood pressure.
Untreated high blood pressure can cause damage to vital body organs. If the blood pressure rises and stays consistently high, it can cause injury to the brain and eyes, stroke, cardiac arrest, and more.
Blood pressure reading can differ from person to person, and the age of the individual should also be considered. With that said, the normal reading should be at 120/80 mmHg. Once your blood pressure reading is consistently found at 140/90 mmHg or higher, it is then classified as high blood pressure.
Common Causes of Hypertension
- Excessive consumption of alcohol
- Obesity
- Consumption too many pain relievers (NSAIDS)
- Genetic factors
Underlying Causes
- Abnormal blood vessels
- Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in a pregnant woman
- Kidney disorder
- Adrenal disease
- Thyroid disorders
Symptoms of Hypertension
Without even knowing it, many people suffer from hypertension; it is very important to look for symptoms of high blood pressure. The telltales of this ailment can differ according to the degree of the blood pressure.
Spiked blood pressure produces more symptoms and accompanying side effects. As noted here, high blood pressure can cause damage to vital body organs such as blood vessels, kidneys, and the heart, to name a few.
The following symptoms can indicate high blood pressure.
- Frequent epistasis
- Thumping in the chest region
- Occasional tinnitus
- Frequent severe headache
- Lightheadedness
- Flushing of the face
Home Remedies High Blood Pressure
Boiled unpeeled potatoes have medicinal benefits for patients with hypertension. The absorption of salt is prevented by the peel on the potatoes, providing a salt-free diet for the patient. Potatoes are an excellent remedy for low blood pressure due to their rich presence of calcium and magnesium. Simply eat more potatoes to benefit from this home remedy.

Any type of potato should work for this home remedy
Indian Gooseberries
Due to the high source of vitamin C occurrence in gooseberries, they have been found to be beneficial for the health of the heart. You can eat them raw or incorporate them into your diet. Alternatively, you can try squeezing the juice out of the Indian gooseberry and mix it with honey. They are a very good remedy for hypertension, and when consumed regularly, they can reduce blood pressure and hypertension.
Rauwolfia has a direct effect on hypertension and is an effective treatment for high blood pressure. The properties found in Rauwolfia can help strengthen heart muscles and reduce blood pressure. To get the best results and relief from hypertension, it is best to consume this herb in a powder form. Just take half teaspoonful with water two to three times a day.
There are two main vitamins found in lemons: vitamin C and vitamin P. Vitamin C is very beneficial for the heart while vitamin P prevents capillary delicateness. It maintains the resistance of capillary and cell walls to permeation. There are many ways to consume lemon juice, you can drink it in water or have it on a leafy salad. Alternatively, you can dry lemon peels and grind them to a fine powder to achieve the same results.
One of the reasons for high blood pressure is excess sodium in the body; cardamom has a high source of potassium that assists in flushing out excess sodium. Plaque buildup in the artery walls causes pressure on the heart when the human blood is being pumped. Cardamom contains magnesium which helps to prevent this. The Antioxidants found in cardamom help with the reduction of oxidative-stress which helps with blood flow.
To use this home remedy, add one teaspoon of powdered cardamom into a cup of warm water. Add raw organic honey and mix to improve the taste. Drink the mixture two times a day to get the best results.
Banana is also a rich source of potassium and effective in reducing blood pressure. To get relief from hypertension, eat three to four bananas daily. If bananas are not your favorite fruit, you can try other fruits like oranges, currants, dried apricots, baked sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, or winter squash. A serving of three to four potassium rich vegetable and fruits is required for an individual on daily basis.

Baking banana bread or drinking banana smoothies will also work well
Shogaol and gingerol are ingredients both in ginger that have the ability to reduce high blood pressure. The unique chemical compound in ginger dismantles the density in lipoproteins as well as plaque buildup along the walls of the arteries. The effect of these is to allow the blood to move freely.
The compounds in ginger prevent blood clots from forming in your arteries and blood vessels, blood clots are very dangerous as they can block the flow of blood from moving freely through the circulatory system.
To use this home remedy, you can either add more ginger to your meals on a daily basis or you can drink ginger tea. If you opt to drink ginger tea, drink it three times a day to get the best results.
There are many home remedies to treat hypertension, another effective one is garlic, and it can be easily included into your diet and food. Garlic reduces blood pressure and maintains its rhythm. It is also known to be beneficial for heart health. Compounds found in garlic are good at keeping blood pressure low that’s why it has always had a strong connection with hypertension.
Garlic also reduces high blood pressure symptoms like shortness of breath, burning eyes, headaches, and dizziness. To enjoy its benefits, add two or three cloves of garlic regularly to your meals. However, if you do not like the smell, you can use garlic capsules.
Fortified Meals
To get a good amount of vitamin B folate in your body, it is advisable to consume fortified bread and cereal regularly. Some of the foods rich in vitamin B folate are Brussels sprouts, beans, asparagus, cereals, and bread. Homocysteine is a substance that reduces the stretchability of arteries and is found in these food items. Folate helps with the reduction of these substances in the heart. When the arteries are stiff, more force is required for the heart to pump blood, thus making it tired and weak.
- Rice
There is a good amount of calcium in brown rice. The calcium assists with the relaxation of the nervous system and reduce high blood pressure symptoms. This is very beneficial and ideal for individuals and patients with hypertension as it is a low cholesterol, low salt, and low-fat diet. It is recommendable for hypersensitive individuals. SImply eat more brown rice to benefit from this home remedy.
3 N-butylphthalide is a compound found in celery that helps to strengthen the heart and brings down blood pressure. This photochemical is not common and is not found in many vegetables. Regular consumption of celery in any form can provide relief from mental stress and hypertension. Celery is proven also as beneficial in reducing stress hormones that constrict blood vessels.

Raw and cooked celery will both work for this home remedy
Cayenne Peppers
Add cayenne pepper to your diet regularly to control hypertension. Cayenne pepper prevents the clumping together and accumulation of platelets in the blood. It is therefore beneficial in reducing mild hypertension.
Research has shown that calcium obtained from natural foods is more effective compared to supplementary calcium in reducing blood pressure. With regards to hypertension, calcium is also beneficial for two parts of the body: the heart and kidneys. In the heart, it helps maintain the rhythm and in the kidneys, it regulates the balance of sodium–water in the body.
This fruit is an excellent source of vitamins as mentioned in several research reports. It prevents capillary delicateness and helps build resistance of capillary walls and cells. Grapefruit also prevents blood pressure by keeping the arteries clean. You can include them in your diet or consume them as a whole.
Cat’s Claw
This is an herb used in Chinese medicine with many health benefits for treating some neurological problems and hypertension. Cat’s claw reduces the pressure with which the heart pumps blood by dilating the blood vessels, thus lowering blood pressure. It also lowers blood pressure by forcing out excess water and sodium from the body. The tannins and flavonoid found in the cat’s claw are responsible for its many health benefits.
To use this home remedy, add a teaspoon of cat’s claw to a liter of water. Put the mixture on the stove and allow it to simmer for forty minutes. Strain out the herb and add honey to the remaining water. Drink this once a day to get the best results.
Do not use cat’s claw if you are already on high blood pressure medication. This might take your blood pressure too low when combined with other medication.
Cat’s claw should not be taken by the pregnant woman.
Salt Reductions
African Americans and elderly people are sensitive to sodium and salt. People who have a tendency to retain fluid in excess are regarded as sensitive. This could be due to a problem in the kidneys and their inability to get rid of sodium.
When there is too much salt in the body the body will attempt to get rid of the sodium in the blood by retaining water. This causes the blood vessels to work harder to circulate additional blood. In this light, it is advisable to monitor your salt and sodium intake. This will reduce your chances of high blood pressure. Reducing your salt and sodium intake will help keep control of high blood pressure.

Use herbs and spices, rather than salt, to flavor your meals
Vitamin D
Renin is a hormone found in the body, which absorbs more sodium and water from the kidneys to the blood. The presence of vitamin D helps to suppress the rennin and reduces re-absorption of water and sodium resulting in the lowering of blood pressure. Vitamin D helps to improve cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels.
Take out half an hour out of your day and spend it in direct sunlight with your back, neck, arms, legs and face exposed or incorporate food rich in vitamin D like fatty fish, meats, fortified dairy products, and eggs into your diet to get more vitamin D in your body.
Pomegranates are nutritious and packed with antioxidants, such as anthocyanins and tannins. The pomegranate fruit has the hard exterior and juicy edible red seeds. These fruits contain more antioxidants than green tea, red wine, and berries. Pomegranates contain many nutrients such as flavonoids, phytochemicals, punicalagin, anthocyanins, and polyphenols. Phytochemicals are a class of antioxidants that prevent damage to the cells, they are found in natural plant foods. Polyphenols and flavonoids help fight against cancer and heart disease. Juice the seeds and make the drinks or Include pomegranate seeds to your salads to benefit from this home remedy.
It is advisable to keep your body mass index within normal limits. The more you weigh, the higher your chances of contracting hypertension. Losing weight can also help you get off your anti-hypertensive medication. For every pound you lose, you can lower your blood pressure by two points.
Polyunsaturated Oil
Cook all your food in polyunsaturated oils and you will begin to see a difference in a couple of months. The following polyunsaturated oils can make a huge difference in your blood pressure reading: mustard seed, safflower oil, and canola oil. In addition to reducing cholesterol, these oils also lower blood pressure.
Radishes and Beets
The roots and leaf of the radish both lower high blood pressure. Radishes have a high source of nitrates which improve vasodilatation thus lowering blood pressure. Nitric acid dilates blood vessels decreases endothelial inflammation, platelet aggregation and regulates blood pressure.
Every day, drink a glass of blended beets or radishes juice. Try incorporating fresh beets and radish into your daily diet. Beets and radish juice is the best form to consume the vegetables in lowering blood pressure.

Fresh radishes
If you have a sedentary lifestyle then exercise is very important. This will help you keep your blood pressure in check, help you lose weight, and improve your fitness levels. Consult your doctor or physician before getting into any regime.
Aerobic activities like jogging, walking, swimming, tennis, skating, skiing, cycling, stair climbing, aerobic dancing, or anything that elevates your pulse and sustains your pulse for twenty minutes. Nonaerobic exercises should be avoided, such as push-ups and chin ups to name a couple, these exercises can be dangerous for hypertensive individuals.
Quit Smoking
Cigarettes have a chemical called nicotine, this chemical causes blood pressure to rise to a level where you could be at risk of having a stroke. Cigarette smoke causes the blood to thicken and increases the chances of it clotting, causing cardiac arrest. If a smoker quits smoking for two years according to studies, there is a risk of developing coronary artery disease. You can use nicotine gum and nicotine patch to help you quit smoking and keep you in proper shape for a full exit.
Eating blueberries can reduce systolic pressure by 5.1% and diastolic pressure by 6.3%. This is according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The consumption of blueberries increases the production of nitric oxide in the body. The nitric oxide helps dilate your blood vessels further lowering your blood pressure levels; it also helps blood vessels maintain the elasticity.
Blueberries have flavonoids also known as anthocyanins acts as antioxidants. They are helpful and promote healthy blood pressure in preventing plaque buildup in the arteries and are also helpful for endothelial lining in the circulating system. Blueberries can be consumed dried or fresh to help reduce blood pressure. Alternatively, you can drink blueberry smoothies.
The calcium found in milk plays a good role in reducing blood pressure; low-fat yogurts and milk do so much more in the body than just strengthen bones. Drink low-fat yogurt or skimmed milk on a regular basis to reduce chances of hypertension. The green leafy vegetable that is high in calcium can also be incorporated into your daily diet.
Meditation, biofeedback, massage, and yoga are all ways to relax your body. One should always try to be calm and cool as much as possible. Stressed people release a huge amount of adrenaline into their system constricting the arteries resulting in them going into a spasm. Due to the constricted arteries, the heart will have difficulty pushing blood, and be raising high blood pressure.

Try meditating for just a few minutes a day to relax and practice deep breathing
Magnesium can have an immediate impact on lowering blood pressure naturally because it has the ability to lower blood pressure. It is very unfortunate that a lot of people have a magnesium deficiency. The question to answer is; should you take magnesium supplements? And the answer is yes. Just take 500 milligrams daily to help keep your blood pressure under control.
High Fiber Meals
Another way to stabilize blood pressure is by eating foods high in fiber. Your daily intake should consist largely of fruits, seeds, and vegetables that are high in fiber.
Coconut Water
Coconut water contains potassium which is beneficial in lowering of blood pressure. Magnesium and potassium are both found in coconut water and improve the performance of heart muscles. Drink eight ounces of coconut water. Drink it twice a day, and if you are overweight, then you can drink it three times a day
Broccoli has a content of fiber and Vitamin A; it is also known for strengthening the heart and reducing blood pressure. To have stable blood pressure, you should incorporate broccoli into your daily diet.
Hibiscus Teas
In several Asian countries, hibiscus has been used as a traditional remedy to reduce blood pressure. Drinking this tea has shown a reduction in diastolic pressure to 10.7. It also doused systolic pressure to 11.7. Its diuretic properties are responsible for opening up arteries for proper blood flow and lowering blood pressure.
Boil water in a cup measure. Remove water from heat and add hibiscus. You add cinnamon sticks as well. Allow mixture to settle for five minutes. Add lemon or honey to taste and drink it once a day to get the best results.

Hibiscus flowers can come in several different colors
Consuming foods high in soy or milk protein such as low-fat dairy can lower the systolic pressure for those who have hypertension and prehypertension. Replacing some refined carbohydrates in your diet can help you achieve low blood pressure.
There is a compound in watermelon seed that dilates the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. To enjoy the benefits of this seed as a hypertensive patient, you can consume it fresh, roasted, or dried. Watermelon is packed with nutrients, vitamins, and water. The variety of means that this enduring meal item can be added to your diet is almost endless.
Decaf Coffee
The effect caffeine has on blood pressure has long been debated. A study from Duke University medical center found that drinking 500 mg caffeine roughly three eight-ounce cups of coffee raised the blood pressure up by 4 mmHg. And the effects of the caffeine in the body lasted until bedtime. The outcome of the report showed that caffeine has the ability to increase blood pressure by increasing the effects of stress and tightening of blood vessels. The consumption of meals high in caffeine can be problematic in the management of high blood pressure. The report also states that when one is under stress, the likelihood of pumping more blood is increased in actual fact. And this increases blood pressure, and that caffeine magnifies that effect. If you like coffee try consuming decaf.
Fish Supplements
Inflammation in the arteries is one of the main causes of high blood pressure. Fish oil is high in EPA and DHA forms of omega -3 fatty acids. Studies have shown consuming fish oil reduces inflammation in the arteries. Incorporating 1000 mg of fish oil daily into your diet or meals is one of the best ways to reduce blood pressure.

Dr. Martin’s 100% Organic Cod Liver Oil ($10.89)
Ditch Alcohol
To keep hypertension and high blood pressure at bay it is advisable to cut down on alcohol. More than one drink a day can increase your blood pressure. If alcohol is consumed excessively it can cause serious damage.
The magnesium and folate found in spinach help to prevent high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. This food ingredient is a recommended item on the outline of many home remedies that you cannot ignore.
Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean diets are very high in seafood, fruits, and vegetables. They provide healthy omega-3 fat oils in your daily diet. A grain-free or low grain in the Mediterranean diet is naturally filled with omega-3 and comes highly recommended. These are some beneficial Mediterranean foods that can help lower blood pressure and should be included in your daily diet: flax seed, olive oil, salmon, fruits, and vegetables.
Essential Oils
Essential oils help in dilating arteries and act as an antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress by lowering emotional stress and as a result reduce blood pressure. By incorporating essential oils into your daily diet it can help you to reduce blood pressure. The most effective essential oils to lower blood pressure are ylang-ylang, clary sage, frankincense, and lavender.
Compounds found in tomatoes can reduce cholesterol build up in the blood vessels and fight hypertension in many ways. Tomatoes are packed with vitamin A, C and E, lycopene, potassium, and calcium. Lycopene is activated by heat; try adding it to your next stew when next you prepare your meal.

Simply eat tomatoes often to benefit from this home remedy
Which of these home remedies are you likely to try? Comment below!