48 Home Remedies for Female Sterility
The issue of infertility or sterility is a great source of worry for many couples. A woman is considered infertile or has a sterility challenge when after a year of unprotected sex, she is unable to get pregnant. Even when she is able to get pregnant but unable to maintain the pregnancy or have a miscarriage in the process, she is still termed to have a sterility problem.
Female sterility accounts for half of the total sterility problems, and according to research, one out of six couples has that problem. Aside from the breakups and divorced caused by sterility, the condition can lead to social and emotional distress including depression, lack of concentration, anxiety, and isolation.
Female sterility can result from lifestyle and health conditions. Health conditions that cause sterility include polycystic ovarian syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease, anaemia, uterine fibroid, and endometriosis. Other causes are blocked fallopian tube, thyroid problems, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), candida among several others.
In addition, lifestyle factors that can cause sterility to include chain-smoking, alcoholism, poor diet, obesity, overstress, and intense physical activities, among others.
The age factor is another cause of infertility in women. As you grow older, your opportunity of becoming a mother also decreases naturally. This is because the hormones and other factors that support fertility reduce during that period.
Home Remedies for Female Sterility
It is good to know that several techniques have been developed to treat female sterility. These techniques including in-vitro fertilization (IVF) are however expensive that not many people can afford it.
With this, you can rely on natural remedies, which are cheaper and easier to get. These remedies are able to fight the root cause of the condition and improve your chances of getting pregnant.
Holy Basil
Holy basil is one of the powerful herbs with diverse health benefits. It is believed to have both physical and spiritual uses in terms of healing. The benefits of this great herb extend to treating female sterility. Holy basil seeds and leaves all have the potential to boost your fertility. It contains minerals like vitamin A and C, zinc, calcium and iron, which can boost your immune system.
All you need is to chew some holy basil leaves raw and accompany it with warm milk. You can alternatively chew some of the seeds raw during your menstrual period.
Another method is to prepare basil tea, by adding some leaves to hot water and steep for about 15 minutes. Strain it and drink warm. Using this remedy on a regular basis can improve your chances of having a child.

Fresh basil leaves
Healthy Weight
Ensuring a healthy weight is very important as you strive to get pregnant. This is because being overweight or underweight can affect your fertility or lead to sterility. So, in order to know your body size and height matches your weight, you can consult your doctor. Attaining your ideal weight can enhance your chances of getting pregnant.
Healthy Eating
Eating foods rich in all the essential minerals and other nutrients will equip the body with what it needs to develop. All the organs work well and your chances of getting pregnant will increase. Whenever you choose to eat, go for foods rich in protein, iron, low carbohydrates and high in antioxidants. You should also include fruits and vegetables in your meal. You need to avoid spicy foods, refined food, white sugar, strong tea, caffeine and seafood as they high in mercury.
As already mentioned, maintaining a healthy weight is can improve your fertility and one way to do this is through exercise. Exercising is one of the effective ways of boosting your immune system and getting your organs to function well.
You can engage in several exercises to promote good and a healthy living. These include jogging, brisk walking, swimming and engaging in sporting activities. It is very important to have a 30 minutes exercise every day for a healthy living and to boost your fertility.
Warm Water
This may sound a bit strange but it really works. Drinking warm water can actually clear your intestine and system to enhance the functions of your reproductive organs. It can also improve blood circulation in the body. All you need is to substitute cold water with warm water and drink daily.
Yoga is able to resolve several health problems and can even improve your chances of getting pregnant. Practicing yoga can help you maintain a healthy weight since being overweight can lead to sterility. It can also reduce the stress related to your sterility.
Some yoga postures that can boost your fertility include, Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing), Janu Sirasana (Head-to-Knee Pose) and Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath). Others include Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep), Badha Konasana (Butterfly Pose), Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend) and Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose). Note that yoga must be practiced under expert supervision because it is very technical.

Try watching yoga videos online if you are new to the practice
- Pomegranate
Pomegranate is a great natural remedy with many health benefits including boosting your fertility. It is rich in minerals that improve blood circulation in the uterus and the entire body. Pomegranate can strengthen the uterine lining to reduce the rate of miscarriage. In addition, using it can also improve the development of the fetus, growth rate, and longevity.
All you need is to blend some pomegranate seeds and peels into fine powder and store in an airtight container. Take ½ teaspoon of the powder and add to a glass of warm water. Stir well and drink twice daily. You can alternatively eat the fruit raw or juice it and drink daily. Using this remedy for some few weeks can improve your fertility.
Red Raspberry Leaf
Red raspberry leaf is a popular herb for treating female sterility and able to protect pregnancies from miscarriages. It is rich in minerals including calcium and can serve as a uterine tonic. This herb can relax the blood muscles, improve circulation and enhance your chances of having a child.
All you need is to prepare a tea with the leaves by steeping it in hot water for about 10 minutes. You can drink this twice daily. You can also have raspberry extract in capsules form and take as recommended.
Ashwagandha is a very effective herb with numerous medicinal properties including boosting the immune system. Aside from its benefit to the immune system, ashwagandha is also an effective remedy for treating sterility. It can maintain hormonal balance and enhance the functionality of the reproductive organs. Ashwagandha can also strengthen the uterus to prevent any potential miscarriage especially for those with recurrent miscarriages.
All you need it to add one teaspoon of ashwagandha powder to a glass of warm water. Stir and drink. You can use this remedy twice daily. Note that, this herb can have some side effects and therefore, be consumed under supervision.
Dates are endowed with several nutrients and minerals including vitamins A, B, and E and iron that can boost your fertility. These minerals are vital in boosting the fertility organs to create an enabling environment to get pregnant and go through the nine months without complications.
To use dates, first, remove the seeds from it, add two teaspoons of chopped coriander roots to it and grind well to form a paste. Add the paste to warm milk, stir and drink. You must drink this once every day for one week from your menstruation. You can alternatively eat dates raw or add to your smoothie.
Cinnamon is an effective remedy being used for many years in treating several health conditions. it is effective as a sterility remedy because it can enhance the functionality of the ovarian. This spice can treat several fertility problems including polycystic ovary syndrome, one of the major causes of sterility. It can also improve your menstrual cycle and treat fibroids, amenorrhea, and endometriosis.
All you need is to add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to hot water and drink. Use this once every day for months. You can also add cinnamon to hot milk, smoothie, and your cereal meal.
Chaste Berry
One of the major causes of sterility is a hormonal imbalance and one of the effective remedies to treat it is chaste berry. The berry primarily works on the pituitary gland to improve it. This makes it very good for women with problems with ovulation due to a high level of prolactin.
You can use chaste berry fresh or dried. All you need is to add one teaspoon of dried or fresh chaste berry to one cup of boiling water. Allow it to stay for 10 minutes and out the heat. Strain it and enjoy. Drink this once a day for a couple of month for effective results. You can also use chaste berry in capsule, liquid extract, and tincture forms.
Since chaste berry can alter the work of some hormones, it is not suitable for women with the hormonal disease. It may also interact with some medications especially with those taking antipsychotic drugs. People undergoing in-vitro fertilization should also avoid using chaste berry.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is vital for maintaining pregnancy and safe delivery. It has been proven that lack vitamin D can actually cause sterility. Vitamin D is also been used to influence female and IVF’s.
All you need is to expose yourself to morning sunlight for about 10 minutes daily. This will enhance the production of vitamin D in the body. You can also rely on vitamin D rich foods including, egg, salmon and cheese, among others. There are also vitamin D supplements you can take in consultation with your doctor.
Garlic is a very powerful ingredient that treats several health conditions. It is able to promote blood circulation in the body including the fertility organs. Using garlic frequently can enhance your chances of having a child.
All you need is to eat some cloves of garlic on an empty stomach each morning and drink a glass of milk. You can also crush some cloves and add to warm water. Allow it steep for five minutes and drink.
Maca Root
Maca root is one of the effective remedies that treat sterility in both men and women. It is endowed with minerals, which can make your organs work well. Using it can normalize the production of hormones to improve your chances of getting pregnant. It can also boost the function of the thyroid and therefore beneficial to women suffering from hypothyroidism.
All you need is to add ½ teaspoon of maca root powder to a cup of warm water or milk. Stir it and drink once a day. Use this remedy for few months to boost your chances of getting pregnant. You can alternatively add maca powder to your smoothie or cereal. Maca supplements are also available but use that after consulting your doctor.
Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins and other minerals beneficial to the organs. Its diuretic properties are able to cleanse the system of toxins with can cause damage to the organs. You can use dandelion in different ways including chewing it raw.
You can also prepare a tea with the leave and roots. All you need is to boil hot water and add some dandelion leaves or roots to it. Allow it to steep for 10 minutes, strain and drink. Drink dandelion tea twice daily.

While the roots are used for this home remedy, dandelion heads can be used in recipes for a tasty treat
Nettle Leaf
Nettle leaf is not just a rich source of chlorophyll but also other minerals including calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc, which can boost your fertility. These leaves contain vitamin K, able to prevent hemorrhage and protect your pregnancy. It can cleanse and nourish the kidney and adrenals and serve as a uterine tonic. You can prepare a tea with nettle leaves and drink twice daily. It is also available in tincture, which can be used after consulting your doctor.
Mustard Paste
Mustard paste is another remedy that treats your sterility and enhances your chances of getting pregnant. It can promote the circulation of blood in the reproductive system and your entire body. All you need is to grind some mustard seeds and add water to form a paste. You will have to consume this during the fourth day of your menstruation. This will improve your menstrual cycle and enhance your chance of getting pregnant.
Fennel and Butter
Fennel is one of the effective remedies for treating female sterility. It contains diuretic properties, which can cleanse the system of toxins that cause damages. It can also relax your muscles and highly recommended for heavy women. All you need is to add 6 grams of fennel seeds to 12 grams of pure butter. Mix the two well and consume every day. Use this remedy for three months to improve your chances of getting pregnant.
Alfalfa is a rich source of vitamins A, D, E and K and other minerals including eight digestive enzymes. It also contains calcium, protein, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. This makes alfalfa an effective remedy for treating several health conditions including female sterility. You can chew alfalfa leaves raw or prepare a tea with it. To prepare the tea, add some leaves to hot water and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink twice daily.
Nutmeg and Sugar
A combination of nutmeg and sugar is also an effective remedy for treating female sterility. All you need is to add the same portion of sugar and nutmeg. Mix it well is store in a tight container. Add one or two teaspoons of the mixture to a glass of milk, stir and drink. Use this remedy from the start of your menstrual cycle until it ends.

Whole nutmeg spice
Mud Pack
This may sound strange but black mudpack can surely treat female sterility. All you need is to use the mud around the vagina area. Leave it for about 1 hour and wash off. This will improve blood circulation in the fertility organs to improve your chances of getting pregnant.
Note: Do not use this remedy when having your menstruation.
Jambul Leaves
Jambul leaves is a very effective natural remedy for treating sterility and preventing miscarriage caused by the ovarian disorder. All you need is to prepare a tea with leaves of jambul.
To do this, boil a cup of water and add 20g of jambul leaves to it. Allow it to steep for about two hours and strain. You can now add a little honey or buttermilk to taste. Use this remedy once daily for some months.
Rock Salt
A menstrual disorder is one of the major causes of female sterility. If you cannot menstruate well, your chances of getting pregnant also become difficult. The good news is that a common rock salt can improve your menstrual cycle. It will enable you to have a normal and timely menstrual cycle to boost your chances of getting pregnant.
All you need is to add 100gm of rock salt to 750ml of water while going to bed. Wake up around 4 am and drink this water. Repeat the remedy for between three to six months for effective results.
Note: You may face diarrhea or vomiting as you start to use this remedy, but will subside as you continue.
Red Clover
Red clover has numerous medicinal properties. It has a high protein level and contains phytoestrogens, which can balance your hormone and enhance your chance of getting pregnant. It can also boost your immune system and prevent diseases. Just prepare a tea with red clover and enjoy your potential of being a mother.
Dong Quai
Dong Quai is another great herb effective in treating female sterility. It can be used to regulate the menstrual cycle to ensure proper and timely period. All you need is to prepare a herbal tea by adding one teaspoon to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for 10 minutes and drink.

Dong qui is also known as angelica
Alum can enhance your chances of getting pregnant with just some simple steps. Sometimes, you can have a smooth menstrual period but still, have difficulties in getting pregnant and alum can salvage the situation.
All you need is to take a little alum and cover with cotton wool. Place this in your vagina while going to bed. When the cotton shows a milky white layer in the next morning, continue using the remedy until it stops. This will improve your chances of having a baby.
Avoid Processed Foods
Eating too much processed foods, including grains, starch, and sugar can sometimes contribute to sterility. It is therefore important to eat non-processed and natural foods. You can obtain a good source of carbohydrate from foods like sweet potatoes, some vegetables, and squash. Since mercury can lead to child defects, you should also reduce the intake of seafood as it contains mercury.
Eggplant can be found in most kitchens but least did we know that it is an effective remedy for female sterility. All you need is to boil some eggplant with buttermilk. Mash it and consume with the buttermilk. A regular use of this remedy will boost your fertility.
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh is one of the popular herbs that treat female sterility. It works perfectly because of its strong impact on improving menstrual cycles. It improves blood circulation and it has proved to be helpful during the implantation of fertilized eggs. Black cohosh can also treat premenstrual problems, menstrual pains, and menopause among others.
All you need is to boil one cup of water and add one teaspoon of black cohosh. You can choose to add honey to taste since it is very bitter. Drink this tea twice daily.
Carom Seeds and Rock Salt
A combination of carom seeds and rock salt is another effective remedy for treating female sterility. It is able to enhance blood circulation in the body and fertility organs. So using this remedy actually improves your menstrual flow.
All you need is to soak equal amount of carom seeds and rock sugar in a cup of water. Leave it to stay overnight in an earthen bowl. Drink this mixture in the morning. Use this remedy throughout your menstrual cycle to boost your chances of having a baby.

Carom seeds come from this fruit
- Have Enough Sleep
Having a good sleep plays a major role in ensuring a healthy living. After a long day of work, you need to sleep well for the body and all the organs to rejuvenate for the next day. Good sleep also enhances the production of hormones while shorter sleep can affect regulation of cortisol, adrenaline, and insulin. This can in a long way affect your ability to conceive. It is, therefore, better to have at least seven-hour sleep each night.
Avoid Alcohol
Excess alcohol intake can affect your fertility and prevent you from having a child on your own. This is because alcohol can affect the functionality of some organs or make it inactive. So in your bid to end your sterility, you should also make an effort to stop alcohol intake. This, so doing, will boost your chances of getting pregnant and delivering safely.
Maitake Mushroom
Maitake mushroom is an effective remedy for treating many health conditions including fibroid, hepatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, high cholesterol, and most importantly female sterility. It is able to especially able to treat sterility caused by polycystic ovary syndrome. You can get maitake mushroom in tincture and consume in the right dosage.
Bee Propolis
A uterine fibroid is one of the underlying factors for female sterility and one effective remedy for treating it is bee propolis. Bee propolis contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can deal with the inflammation resulting from uterine fibroid. It is also able to ensure proper hormonal balance. Bee propolis can be purchased from the herbal store and use as recommended.
Yarrow has astringent properties that promote circulation of blood in the system to eliminate fibroid that can cause sterility. This ensures the smooth and timely flow of blood during menstruation. Yarrow is also able to stop excessive blood flows during menstruation. It can, therefore, help in the toning of the muscles of the uterus.
You can prepare a tea with yarrow by adding a teaspoon of it to hot water. Let it steep for 10 minutes and strain. Drink this tea twice daily.

Yarrow tea can be made from this plant
Cramp Bark
Cramp bark has been used as one of the effective remedies for treating uterine conditions and fibroids that causes sterility. It is able to reduce the pains in the uterus and relax muscles. It is also effective in dealing with menstrual cramps by promoting blood circulation.
You can prepare a tea with cramp bark by adding 1 teaspoon of dried barks to one cup of boiling water. Allow it to simmer for 10 minutes and remove from fire. Strain and drink half cup three times daily.
Castor Oil
Castor oil can be applied as a park on the abdomen to improve blood circulation in the body. It can also promote the healing process of damaged organs and tissues. With its strong properties, castor oil can dissolve the fibroid and treat your sterility.
All you need is to apply castor oil to your abdomen. Place a towel on the abdomen and place boiled water in a heating bottle over it. Do this for 30 minutes twice daily.
Black Haw
Black haw roots are effective in treating uterine fibroid by relaxing the uterine muscles and reduce muscle spasms. It is able to improve blood circulation in the uterus and through that remove all harmful toxins from the reproductive system. When these fibroid tumors are dissolved, you can now have a great chance to get pregnant. Black haw can also prevent any miscarriage.
White Peony
White peony has been used for many years in traditional Chinese medicines to improve the iron levels in women battling menorrhagia. It improves the circulation of blood in the system especially the pelvic area. It can also increase progesterone levels, balance estrogen and lower testosterone and its effect improve hormonal balance. This, in the long run, can treat your sterility and improve your chances of conceiving. White peony works effectively when combined with Dong Quai. You can prepare a decoction by adding an equal amount of white peony and Dong Quai to hot water. Let it steep for 15 minutes and drink.
Ginger is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, which can improve blood circulation in the body. It also has diuretic properties that can flush out toxins from your body and improve digestion process. While enhancing blood circulation leading to improved menstrual cycle, your chances of having a baby also increase. You can chew ginger roots raw or prepare a tea by steeping crushed ginger in hot water for five minutes. Drink this twice daily.

Traditional Medicinals Organic Ginger Tea, 16-pack ($3.75)
Mugwort has many benefits for the body especially when it comes to dealing with the reproduction organ to treat sterility. It improves your menstrual cycle especially for women with amenorrhea. It also promotes the absorption of vitamins and other minerals to promote good health. Once you have a timely and improved cycle improves, it also increases your chances of getting pregnant. You can prepare mugwort tea and consume twice daily.
Goldenseal is one of the effective herbs for treating fertility problems. It has antimicrobial, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that deal with infections. It is able to flush out toxins from the reproductive system and reduce the pains caused by inflammation. This can prevent scars and adhesion in the reproductive system and treat sterility.
All you need is to prepare a tea with the goldenseal roots by adding one teaspoon of goldenseal to a cup of water and boil for 10 minutes. Allow it to steep for twenty more minutes and strain. Drink two cups of the tea every day for three to six months.
Horsetail contains anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that can help cure damaged tissues. With this, it enhances the proper growth and functions of tissues. It is able to treat heavy menstrual bleeding caused by endometriosis.
You can prepare a tea with horsetail by adding two teaspoons of dried horsetail to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for five minutes and drink. Consuming it twice daily will help in curing the brittle bones.
Flaxseed has many medicinal properties and has been used for several years in treating health conditions. It is a rich source of essential fatty acids, which prevents inflammation of cells and tissues. Flaxseed is also rich in fiber content to promote good digestion. Flaxseed also contains lignans that can stimulate the production of estrogen in the body. You can chew a teaspoon of flaxseeds three times daily to boost your ability to get pregnant.
Sesame Seeds
Sesame seed is one of the seeds with the highest level of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It is able to maintain hormonal balance. Sesame also contains lignans, which stimulate the estrogen level in the body to ensure hormonal balance.
To use sesame grind some seeds into powder and store in an airtight bottle. Take half teaspoon of the powder and add it to hot milk or water. Stir and drink twice daily. Frequent use of sesame seeds can improve enhance your chances of getting pregnant.
Burdock Root
Burdock root is numerous health benefits and can health in treating sterility. This is due to its ability to maintain hormonal balance and sugar levels. It contains lignans, which regulates the production of estrogen in the body. Burdock can also cleanse the system of dead cells and tissues to prevent forming tumors. This in a way can treat the causes of your sterility.
You can prepare burdock root tea by adding one teaspoon of dried burdock root to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for about 10 minutes, strain and consume. You should use this three times daily. You can also use burdock tinctures to improve your chances of getting pregnant.
Tribulus can enhance your chances of getting pregnant in various ways. It is able to boost your sexual desire and normalize ovulation. It can serve as a nourishing tonic to nourish the reproductive system. You should use this remedy during your ovulation period to enhance the fertilization of an egg in order to get pregnant. Use Tribulus for three to six months for effective results.

Dried Tribulus plant
Which of these home remedies are you most likely to try? Comment below!
Where can one get a product that contains all these herbs ?or which product or drug do you recommend ?
I would personally suggest just making tea with some of the ingredients. Basil tea, cinnamon tea, and ginger tea are all pretty tasty and are all listed in the article.