52 Home Remedies for Beautiful Skin
Having a beautiful skin is like a dream come true for most people. But others are always left in a dilemma wondering how they can get that beautiful skin that they always see on TV. Well, the first thing that comes to mind is bleaching or makeups. Did you know that there are home remedies that would earn you a smooth and a wonderful skin without having to go through these makeups? This article goes ahead to sample out for you some of these remedies that would transform your look. Pay close attention!
Home Remedies for Beautiful Skin
Honey and Lemon
Honey is an ingredient that you might have been using all this time without ever considering its medicinal properties. It acts as an antibacterial which in turn means that it can be a good recipe for your skin’s health. For its effectiveness, it is recommended that you mix honey with lemon juice. After this, you should apply the mixture to your face. Wait for up to twenty minutes before rinsing your face with cold or warm water. Doing this on a regular basis will clear all toxins that might be hindering your skin from being soft.

Fresh-squeezed lemon juice will work the best for this home remedy
Banana Cream
Forget the facial creams that you have been applying on your face as they do not produce the results that you want. With a banana cream, you are assured of the essential vitamins responsible for maintaining the skin healthy. These are vitamin A & E. The advantage of these vitamins to the skin is that it lowers your skin’s redness.
The banana cream also requires some honey, flour, cream, and water. Mix them all in a bowl. When doing this, water should come last as it is there just to reduce the mixture’s thickness. Apply the new mixture to your face. Wait for fifteen minutes before rinsing with water. Banana will work on ensuring that your skin glows. On the other hand, honey, flour, and cream would give your skin the softness that you strongly desire.
Aloe Vera
This is a product that is common in a number of facial beauty products. You can choose to use it naturally without altering its effectiveness on your skin. Aloe vera increases the skin’s collagen quantity. This implies that your skin would be free from ‘skin lines’. Treating acne problems is a well-known function of aloe vera. Simply rub this on your skin to receive its benefits.
Potatoes are not just there for you to eat them. You can also use potatoes to keep your skin healthy and free from dark spots. Scars and even sunburns are easily removed by using potatoes. Simply extract some juice from the potato and apply it to your face. For optimum results, you should apply this juice on your skin on a regular basis.
Sugar Mix
Sugar also works in cleansing your skin. In order for you to get the desired results, mixing both brown and white sugar is advisable. Mix them by using water. After this, simply apply it to your face or any area of your skin. Give it some time before washing it off your face. There are skin experts that recommend using honey rather than water as your ideal solvent.
Fuller’s Earth
Herbs are also good when treating your skin. This herb has magnesium chloride nutrients in it. This nutrient aids in preventing acne, while at the same time getting rid of blemishes on your skin. Fuller’s earth also keeps your skin healthy by cleansing it since it removes excess oil from it.

Fuller’s earth is a clay-like substance
Turmeric powder works best when mixed with water and milk. When coming up with your mixture, you need to add enough solvent to ensure that the paste is enough for your skin. Apply the mixture on your skin and wait for fifteen minutes before washing it off your skin.
The advantage gained by turmeric powder is that is acts as an antioxidant. This means that if there are any radicals damaging your skin, you can rest assured that turmeric mixture will get rid of them. Its ability to enhance the production of collagen in the skin also makes it handy in remedying your skin.
Coconut Oil
Rub coconut oil against your skin until it dries up. For desired results, this should be done before you sleep. This way, you get to leave the oil to work on your skin overnight. If you are stressed up about your dry skin, this is the remedy that you should turn to. This oil will function by locking your skin’s moisture in place. Equally, it will fill your skin with fatty acids and also prevent it from being damaged due to its anti-oxidation properties. The overall effect is that you would be having a naturally glowing skin.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is another natural remedy for your skin. It works by washing away dead cells on your skin. Moreover, it also balances the pH level of your skin. If there is any inflammation on your skin, it is advisable to use baking soda as it would quickly restore your beautiful skin.
Papaya also works by cleaning any dead cells that are present on the top layer of your skin. This gives your skin a glow that would pull the eyes of many. This fruit will give optimum results when mixed with honey. The main reason for using honey is the fact that it keeps the skin hydrated. Remember to do this regularly to keep your skin healthy and free from any dead cells.
This is a common skin remedy that you might have tried. The main reason why cucumber works is because it cools the skin. It is also an antioxidant, which means that it would prevent any inflammation from occurring on the skin. For those suffering from swollen skin, this can be an ideal remedy.

Just a slice or two of cucumber will be enough for this home remedy
Olive Oil
Olive oil gives your skin a glowing look, considering the fact that it is a natural moisturizer. It prevents the damaging of the skin due to the polyphenols and flavonoids present in it. Skin cells are also repaired when natural olive oil is used.
Green Tea Leaves
There are several benefits that would come your way as a result of drinking green tea. Did you know that these leaves can also be applied on your skin? These leaves have flavonoids, which enhance collagen formation in the skin. The elasticity of the skin is also maintained which in turn implies that you will have younger looking skin.
Cod Liver Oil
You will need to purchase capsules of cod liver for this natural remedy to work on restoring your beautiful skin. This type of oil has sufficient omega-3 fatty acids. Other essential vitamins present include DHA, EPA, vitamin D, and vitamin A. These vitamins are essential in repairing damaged cells of the skin. Most of all, your skin gains a glow worth admiring.
Rose Water
Rose water is a skin toner that keeps the skin refreshed. It works by ensuring that blood flow is stimulated. Clean your skin with rose water to gain the benefits from this home remedy.
Carrot Juice
Extract the carrot juice and add some water to it. Unlike other forms of natural skin remedies, this juice should be drunk regularly. Carrots have anti-oxidation properties that would prevent any free radicals from damaging the skin. This drink also has vitamin A and beta-carotene. These nutrients would make your skin smooth while also working on your eyesight.

Carrot juice is a delicious and healthy alternative to eating carrots
Karela Juice
This juice should also be drunk just like the carrot juice. This juice works on improving your digestion. Also, it would eliminate any form of infections on your body. Its blood purification property ensures that your skin is always glowing.
Orange Juice
The sweet taste that you get from orange juice should motivate you in drinking this fluid regularly. This is a healthy way of quenching your thirst while also giving your body a reason to keep your skin healthy.
Cut tomatoes into small slices and rub them on your face while gently massaging it. Do not wash the content for twenty minutes. Tomatoes will naturally bleach your skin which would, in the end, lighten the color of your skin.
Green Apples
Green apples work on giving your skin the glow that it once had. All you need to do is to cut it into slices and rub it on your face. This fruit also helps in enhancing circulation of blood.
Jasmine Flower
Crush jasmine flowers and mix them well with sugar. Apply the mixture to your face and wait for fifteen minutes. Jasmine flower also works by giving your skin a natural glow.

Jasmine flowers
Exercise can never be left out when you want to attain a healthy lifestyle. Exercising boosts the immune system, removes toxins from the body, and keeps the skin healthy. As you exercise, the skin pores open and through sweating, eliminating all harmful bacteria from it.
You can embark on some exercises like cycling, jogging, swimming, running, and walking. You can also engage in some active sporting activities like basketball, soccer, and volleyball. Exercise at least thirty minutes each day for a healthy skin.
23. Hydration
Water plays a vital role in the development of the body and healthy living. Drinking a lot of water clears the system of accumulated toxins through urination. Water intake replenishes the skin, prevent dryness, and saves it from several skin conditions. Some fruits, including watermelon and oranges, have high water content, Hence, it can be relied on to hydrate the skin. It is advisable to drink at least eight glasses of water every day for a healthy skin.
24. Healthy Diet
Having a healthy and balanced diet is an important factor for a healthy lifestyle and great skin. A diet rich in vitamins, protein, and fats enhances boost the immune system and, in effect, nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Always ensure that you eat a healthy meal for the benefit of your skin.
25. Good Sleep
Having a good long sleep is not just good for your skin, but the entire system. After a hard day’s work, nothing is so refreshing than having a good rest. Sleeping boosts the immune system and rejuvenates it. Your skin undergoes stress each day and that makes it look dull and tired. So, as you rest, the skin rejuvenates itself and look brighter. It is advisable to have at least eight hours rest each day to gain flawless skin.
26. Avoid the Sun
Ultraviolet rays from the sun can be very harmful to the skin. The rays can cause skin cancer, blemishes, burns, and other skin problems. Exposing your skin to the sun rays, therefore, takes away the shine and beauty of your skin and replace with discolored and unhealthy one. To avoid this, cover your skin well in sunny weather and avoid direct sun rays. You can also use sunscreen products to protect your skin from the sun.

Wearing a sunhat can also protect you from the sun’s rays
Almond Oil
Almond oil has a soothing and carminative effect on the skin. It moisturizes and hydrates the skin against dryness. The use of almond oil can also rejuvenate the skin and remove scarring. Just warm some almond oil and apply to your skin. It is best to apply while retiring to bed. Do this every night for a flawless skin.
Pineapple Juice
Pineapple really tastes good and it’s one of the favorite fruits of many people. But do you also know it is a fantastic remedy for the skin due to its numerous properties? Pineapple contains vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6, Vitamin C, manganese, copper, and folate. It can reduce wrinkles due to its alpha-hydroxy acids content. A pineapple cleanse hydrates and removes all radicals harmful to the skin. You can add gram flour to the pineapple juice to form a paste. Apply the paste to your skin, leave it for thirty minutes and wash off.
Avocado nourishes the skin and improves its texture. Mash some avocado and add about two tablespoons of lemon juice to it. The lemon in it will help in removing dark spot and clear bacteria from the skin. Apply this to your skin and wait for thirty minutes. You can now wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process twice a week.
Walnut contains antioxidants properties that clear radicals, repair the skin cells, and make the skin glow. Powdered walnut can be used to exfoliate the skin to remove dead cells and cleanse it. In effect, walnut adds beauty and rejuvenate dull skin.
Form a paste with walnut powder and yogurt. Apply the paste to your skin and wash it off with lukewarm water after thirty minutes. Alternatively, you can soak some walnut overnight. You now need to mix some rose water to it and form a paste. Apply the paste to your skin for an hour before washing it off with lukewarm water. Choose any of the formulas and do it once every week.
Peach is a great source of vitamin C and micronutrients, which removes dark spots, blemishes, and wrinkles. It also has anti-aging properties, hence, its use in some facemask. When applied to the skin, it tightens the pores and gives you a clear beautiful skin.
Simply boil some peach slices for few minutes. Using a fork, mash it smoothly and add some honey and oatmeal. Form a smooth paste with the ingredients and apply on your skin. Leave it for fifteen minutes and wash it off with fresh water. You can use this remedy twice daily until you have the desired skin softness.

Use fresh peaches, not canned
32.Gram Flour
Gram flour is a great exfoliator, which removes all dead cells from the skin without causing any danger. This home remedy ingredient gives your skin a nice tone without stretching or scarring it. You can add other skin enhancing remedies like turmeric, almond oil, and sandalwood to the gram flour to enhance its effect. Form a paste with the ingredients by adding some rose water. Apply the paste to your skin and leave it until it dries. Wash it off with lukewarm water. Apply this remedy at least twice every week for a flawless skin.
Strawberries can improve the look of your skin and remove blemishes from the skin. It makes the skin clean, giving you a radiant look. First, mash or blend some strawberries then add cornstarch to it. Mix it very well and apply to your skin. Leave it on until it dries and washes it off with fresh water. Apply this twice each day.
Cabbage water undoubtedly has an unpleasant smell but is very beneficial to the skin. It is rich in vitamins B1, B6, K, E, C, insoluble fiber, and beta-carotene, which gives your skin a glowing look. Boil cabbage in enough water for about ten minutes. Strain the water and with a cotton ball, apply it on your skin. Wait for twenty minutes and wash it off with fresh water.
Curd contains lactic acid, which gives your skin a nice tone and makes it healthy. It can also make the skin soft and radiant. Another advantage of using curd is that it also protects the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays. Apply curd every day to your skin to have a flawless skin.
Grapes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. This makes it a strong cleansing agent and can effectively remove all radicals from the skin. Grapes contain properties, which can retain collagen in the skin to keep it elastic and supple. The vitamin A content in it also removes all pigmentation and save the skin from any damage. Apply grape juice to your skin and wait for twenty minutes before washing it off. Do this twice each day for great results.

Any type of grape should work for this home remedy
Aside from being a rich source of fluid, fiber, and vitamins, watermelon can also enhance your skin and keep it glowing. Watermelon protects the skin from any damages from of ultraviolet rays from the sun. You can add cucumber juice or papaya to the watermelon to make it more effective. Just blend watermelon with cucumber/papaya into a smooth content. Apply it to your skin and wait for fifteen minutes for deep absorption. Wash it down afterward. Repeat the process twice every day.
Oatmeal contains skin-enhancing minerals and can be used to exfoliate the skin. It removes dead skin cells and cleanses it from all impurities. Just grind or blend some oats into a fine powder. Add rose water or yogurt and mix to form a paste. Apply the paste to your skin and leave for fifteen minutes. Repeat the twice each week for a flawless skin.
39. Alum
Alum contains antibacterial component making is effective in dealing with radicals on the skin and acne. The use of it can remove fine lines and wrinkles from the skin by tightening the skin. Its astringent properties can also reduce large pores on the skin.
The ingredients you need are alum and honey. Mix the two ingredients together to form a fine paste. Apply the paste to your skin and leave it for ten minutes. You can now wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy twice a week for a flawless skin.
Green Vegetables
Vegetables play a vital role in boosting the immune system and in effect gives the skin a beautiful look. A combination of some vegetable can, therefore, be a perfect remedy for the skin by exerting their properties on it. This can rejuvenate and heal the skin from any disorders. All you need are cucumber, romaine lettuce, mint leaves, lemon juice, and water. Blend all the ingredients together to form a smooth juice. Drink this juice every day for a beautiful skin.
41. Egg Whites
Egg whites can give you a skin complexion and reduce wrinkles with just some simple steps. All you need is to just extract some egg whites and beat it. Apply this to your skin in an upward direction and leave it until dries. You can now wash it off with fresh water. Doing this every day can enhance your skin.

Egg yolks are the yellow part of the egg, whites are the clear parts
Rice Water
Rice water is rich in vitamins, pitera, and other minerals that tighten and revive the skin from any disorder. It can also exfoliate the skin and remove all dead cells to make it healthy and vibrant.
All you need is to first wash the rice and throw away the water. The next thing is to soak the rice in another water and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Move your hands through the water until it turns cloudy. You can now strain the water from the rice and store it in an airtight bottle for a day. Apply the water to your skin and leave it for ten minutes before rinsing it off. Use this remedy every day for a flawless skin.
Yogurt contains lactic acid, which can clear your skin pores of all impurities and reduce the pores size to make the skin tighter. You can use it to exfoliate the skin to remove all dead skin cells and blemishes. Yogurt can also treat acne due to its zinc content and the oil in it can moisturize the skin
All you need is to apply the yogurt to your skin and leave it for ten minutes before washing it off. Use this remedy every day for best results. However, do not use yogurt if you are allergic to dairy products.
44. Milk
Milk can exfoliate the skin and remove all dead skin cells. It rejuvenates the skin and makes it lively. The oil content in milk also serves as a moisturizer, keeps the skin supple and makes it look glowing. Pour some milk into a bowl and with a cotton ball, apply it over your skin. Leave it for ten minutes and wash it off with warm water. You can use this remedy twice each week.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil can easily be absorbed into the skin, penetrate deep into its layers and moisturize it. It can balance the pH of your skin and give you a beautiful skin complexion. Just apply the oil on your body in a circular motion while going to bed. Doing this each night will give you a flawless skin.
You can use garlic to treat spots, acne, and scars on the skin to give you a flawless skin. It contains antimicrobial agents, which can destroy radicals on the skin to make it healthy. Garlic also contains natural skin lightening properties and can enhance your complexion. Just grind some garlic and apply it on your skin and areas with spots. Leave it for ten minutes and wash it off with fresh water. Repeat this every day. Garlic has a pungent smell but can be very beneficial to the skin.

Garlic cloves and whole garlic
Cinnamon contains skin-lightening agents and can reduce dark spots, acne, and blemishes. It also has anti-inflammation properties, which gives it a calmative effect on the skin reduces skin infections. Blend some cinnamon into powder and add honey to it. Apply this to your skin and wash away after twenty minutes. Use this every day for a flawless skin.
Parsley Mix
Parsley contains antibacterial properties that fight against radicals on the surface of the skin and treats acne. It can cleanse the skin and act as a detoxifier. Parley also enhances the production of collagen in the body to remove dark spots, scars, and blemishes.
All you need is carrot, white clay, and the parsley. Add all the ingredients and blend to form a paste. Apply the paste to your skin and leave it for twenty minutes. You can now wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat the process at least twice a day.
Sandalwood is an excellent remedy for skin care as it brings out natural glow of the skin. It is good for both dry and oily skin. You can use the sandalwood oil for dry skin and sandalwood powder for oily skin.
Add some of the oil to turmeric, gram flour, and rosewater to form a paste and apply to your skin. You can also form a paste by mixing some sandalwood powder and rose water. Apply it to your skin and leave it for about twenty minutes. Wash it off with warm water.
Apple Cider Vinegar
With its acidic properties, apple cider vinegar can be used to exfoliate the skin and remove dark spots. It can also do away with scars, blemishes, and rejuvenate the skin. Apple cider vinegar also contains antioxidants that clear away radicals and generate a healthy skin.
All you need is to add an equal amount of apple cider vinegar and rose water. Dip a cotton ball in it and apply on your skin. Leave it for ten minutes and wash it off with fresh water. Do this once daily for a flawless skin.
Licorice Extract
Licorice can treat several skin disorders and enhance your skin tone. It contains glabridin, which reduces the production of melanin that gives the skin it color. Licorice can balance the skin pH, removes acne, and reduces oil on the skin. Using a cotton ball, apply the licorice extract on the skin while going to bed. You can alternatively add cucumber, lemon juice, and tomatoes to the licorice for effective and quick results.
Radish contains vitamins A and C, which protects the skin cells from damages, prevents oxidation stress, and anti-aging. It can improve your skin tone due to its ability to decrease the production of melanin in the skin.
All you need is to grind some radish and mix with some olive and lemon juice. Apply it to your skin and leave for twenty minutes before washing off. With this, it can help you achieve a flawless skin.

Fresh radishes
All the above remedies are very effective when used consistently. You should also bear in mind that maintaining your skin after becoming flawless with the use of any of the above remedies is very important. Keep using good skin products, which are not harmful. It is also very important to stay away from harsh weather conditions that can be harmful to the skin.