19 Home Remedies for Vertigo
Vertigo is seen as more of a symptom than an illness or condition. Vertigo is that feeling of intense spinning and swaying that normally comes from sitting up too fast or from going from laying to standing too fast. Luckily, home remedies for vertigo are easy and inexpensive.
What are Some Symptoms?
The most usual symptoms of vertigo are dizziness, loss of balance, and nausea. Sometimes the symptoms last for a couple of seconds or they can last a long time. Some of the symptoms can actually last for days, but that is an intense case.
What Causes Vertigo?
Most commonly, vertigo is caused by migraines, inflammation in a nerve that sends balance control signals to the brain, and inner ear infections.
A rather interesting- though only suspected- cause of vertigo is acrophobia or the fear of heights. The feeling of vertigo comes from looking at either Earth (think like from a plane, a high building, or helicopter) from a greater height. Some people say that vertigo is incorrectly used as a description for the fear of heights, but others say that vertigo is a symptom of having a fear of heights.
Home Remedies for Vertigo

Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms of vertigo
Vertigo is often a symptom of an underlying issue, so it is highly suggested that you should speak to a doctor if vertigo has become common or lasts longer than a couple of seconds. Seeing as some of the symptoms of vertigo can be caused in an inflamed nerve in the ear that connects to the brain or an infection of the inner ear, you made need medication and a doctor’s help.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba has been used to treat vertigo because taking 240 milligrams of it every day has been found to help you to have better balance. You can get the extract from ginkgo biloba in a capsule pill or in a liquid.
Ginger Tea
Drinking ginger tea twice a day can help to lessen the effects of vertigo by calming some the swelling in nerves and inner ear. You can get ginger tea in premade tea bags or you can just boil a couple slices of ginger root for about five minutes. It is also suggested that you consider adding some honey to the tea if the taste of ginger alone is too strong for you to enjoy.
Drinking enough water is an import for the vast majority of your body to function. By getting enough water in your system, you are also helping your brain to feel more balanced overall.
You do not to only drink water all day long. Throughout the day, eight to twelve cups is a suggested amount of beverage and most beverages help to rehydrate you through the different components that the drink has. These drinks should not have caffeine in them seeing as caffeine can dehydrate.
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Aromatherapy can help a lot of people with a spread of illnesses. The upfront cost might not be anything to sneeze at, at the spending pays for itself in health benefits.
To use aromatherapy, you can get an oil diffuser that you plug in, you can put a couple drops of oil in a bowl of water and leave it in the open, there are different kinds of oil diffusing jewelry.
There are a couple different oils that are thought to be great at battling vertigo and keeping at bay. The oils to look into are lavender, ginger, lemon, and peppermint.
Studies have found that suffering from too much stress can actually trigger vertigo. Meditation and deep-breathing are both good things to start out with. If you are unable to cut down on stress or figure out what is causing the stress, just seeing and acknowledging that you are in fact stress can sometimes be enough to lessen vertigo.
Sleep is important for everything your body needs to do. Sleep lets the body heal itself faster, it builds the immune system, and it does so much more. So if you struggling with vertigo, try taking a power nap. It might be able to help you more than you thought. If you are suffering vertigo because of an intense migraine, sleep can even help to ease that at least a little bit.
Epley Maneuver
The Epley Maneuver is also called the ¨canalith reposition¨. All you have to do is move your head and body in different ways. This maneuver should help you because it moves crystals from your inner ear canals.
The first thing you do is sit up with a pillow behind your back. Then you turn your head to the right by 45 degrees. Second, you lie down real quick- keeping your head at the 45-degree angle- and stay in this position for half a minute.
Thirdly, you turn your head to left by 90 degrees, really slowly, and hold that position for another half a minute. You then turn your head another 90 degrees, moving the rest of your body in the same manner. After this, you want to sit up very slowly. If you are still feeling the effects of vertigo, you can repeat this until it goes away.
Semont Maneuver
This maneuver only has four steps compared to the six of the last one. For this one, you start by sitting on the very edge of your bed and you turn you to right by 45 degrees, laying down on your left fairly quickly. Lay like this for a full minute rather than 30 seconds.
Next, you roll over so youŕe on your right side, but you don’t want to change the position of your head- you should be looking toward the floor now so that you know you are doing this correctly.
This new way you are lying, you should stay like this for another minute. And the last step. sit up slowly, keeping your head level, and sit like this for ten minutes. You can repeat this as you need to for the symptoms to stop.
Dietary Changes
There are different foods that trigger vertigo and different foods that seem to help it. Foods and drinks to avoid include alcohol, salty and sugary foods, and caffeine. Foods and drinks to take in more of include yogurt, citrus fruits, chocolate, smoked meat, nuts, cheese, chicken liver, and bananas.
Yoga is something that can help you to relax. It helps you to meditate while also helping you breathe more evenly. You can follow along to videos online. Keep in mind, that you might want to avoid poses that require you to quickly bend down or that move too quickly.
Other than moving your neck around in different ways, you can also try gentle exercises. Do not start out too wildly, though. By exercising, it can actually help to keep things level, it helps to level your breathing which could help with the lightheadedness and shortness of breath. It should be noted, that you should speak with your doctor if you are having worse symptoms after you start exercising.
Gentle Lights
This aid for vertigo may seem a little weird, but it should be able to help you a bit. If you find yourself to be someone that wakes up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, or if you have little kids that might need you for something during the night, use gentle lights when you get up.
The softer lights, less bright lights, can stop you from getting vertigo as you sit and stand up. Sometimes, the bright lights can actually trigger something behind your eyes and that can result in the dizzy feeling, especially the dizzy feeling where things are tinted an odd color and it’s a little harder than usual to see.

Night lights or lamps with dull light bulbs work best for this
Limit Salt
Eating too much salt can poorly affect the fluid balance in your inner ear and result in vertigo. Salt does this because it retains fluids. So, if you know that you have trouble with vertigo, try to spread no more than 2,000 milligrams of salt around throughout the day.
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C can lessen the effects of Meniere’s disease– one of the leading causes of vertigo symptoms. So, try to add some more vitamin C to your diet. Take vitamin C in pills and capsules, or you can add foods that are rich in vitamin C to your diet. Some food to try could be strawberries, citrus fruits, and bell peppers.
Vitamin B-6
Vitamin B-6 is able to lessen the dizzy feelings of vertigo and can even tackle vertigo-like side effects of some medications while helping to stop and fix anemia. Again, you can take vitamin B-6 as a supplement, or you can add foods to your diet. For vitamin B-6, look into things like turkey, apricots, lean pork, tuna, prunes, pistachios, and tuna.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E helps circulation and the health of blood vessels, which can help blood get into your brain so that you do not get as dizzy. To help get vitamin E to stop the dizziness or vertigo, you can enjoy some seeds, spinach, nuts, wheat germ, and kiwis.
Be Mindful
If you know that you have trouble with vertigo, plan a lazy day. Do not overexert yourself, take breaks when you need to, do not go too far from something that you can comfortably sit or lay down on. Try to avoid doing things that you know will trigger your vertigo.

Relaxation is key to reducing the symptoms of many ailments, including vertigo
Which of these home remedies for vertigo will you try? Comment below!
Epley Manuver video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtJB5Vx7Xqo
Semont Manuver videor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG5rR7U9mAg