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poison oak 0

7 home remedies for Poison Oak

Poison oak contains urushiol which is an oily sap on the plant that causes irritation when upon on the skin. It creates a rash that is very itchy and causes it to become inflamed....

mononucleosis 0

7 home remedies for mononucleosis

Mononucleosis, or mono for short, is a condition that is brought forth by the Epstein Barr Virus. It is a contagious disease that is usually transferred from person to person through the saliva by...

molluscum contagiosum 0

7 home remedies for Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection that produces circular and hard bumps on the skin. This infection is highly contagious and can spread from person to person through contact with the bumps or contaminated...

Irritability In Children 0

7 Home Remedies For Irritability In Children

Young children cannot explain when they feel something wrong. They do not know how to describe. When they act fussy or irritable, parents should try to figure the cause for the difference in their...

Turmeric 0

7 Home Remedies for Inflammation

Inflammation is our body’s self-defense against pathogens, virus, bacteria, and fungus. When a part of the body is inflamed, it is in the process of recovering and eliminating dead cells and harmful compounds. Inflammation...

Fibrocystic Breast Disease 0

7 Home Remedies For Fibrocystic Breast Disease

What Is Fibrocystic Breast Disease? Fibrocystic breast disease is highly common, occurring in about half of all women between the ages of twenty and fifty. Since it is so common, many doctors don’t even...

party food 0

7 Healthy Party Foods & Appetizers

7 Healthy Party Foods What are the best appetizers to serve at a party? You have probably asked yourself this question countless times in an effort to prepare for a gathering of family and...

Heart 0

7 home remedies for a healthy heart

Heart disease tops many lists as the top cause of death throughout the world. It affects both women and men and may appear without warning or gradually over time. There are a variety of...

midnight snack 0

7 Healthy Foods For Midnight Snacking

Do you always develop cravings in the middle of the night? Do you find it difficult to sleep because you are hungry? Do you find yourself eating bad and junk food at night because...

Walking 0

7 Health Benefits Of Walking

Walking is perhaps one of the easiest forms of exercise and of course, it costs absolutely nothing. It can be solitary or it can be done with groups of walking as a fun, social...