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For the term "quit smoking".

41 Home Remedies for Chest Congestion

Chest congestion describes a tightness in the chest. It can also be a heavy feeling in the chest region, and it happens when there is poor circulation within this framework of the body. When there is a failure of circulation, the movement of oxygen within the lungs becomes restricted or poor. The underlying reason for chest congestion varies as it might depend on a range of ailments or infections.

enchinacea, flowers, palsy

How To, DIY, Pets, and More

This page contains our articles which do not fall under the “Home Remedy” category. As of right now, we don’t have many of these articles, so they will all be on this page. Once...


23 Home Remedies to Have Longer Fingernails

Growing out your fingernails can be a difficult task, especially when you don’t know about the factors that can cause them to be so short in the first place. This article will discuss the various ways in which you can both prevent your nails from becoming short and ways to encourage your nails to grow longer if your nails are already short.

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39 Home Remedies for Dark Spots

When dark spots appear on the skin, they can become a source of discomfort. When they appear on the face, they affect the beauty of the person affected. Dark spots can also reduce the self esteem of anyone affected. The discoloration associated with dark spots might make people wear longer sleeves in shirts and blouses, and also pants on the legs to cover the dark spots.

Dark spots can be eliminated with cosmetics and a range of medical options depending on the severity. However, using home remedies provides a stress-free and cheaper alternative in this regard.

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36 Home Remedies for Dysuria

The incidences of Dysuria can easily be traceable to urinary tract infections. These infections are commonly attacked by the use of antibiotics in controlled and uncontrolled medications. However, the use of home remedies can be trusted to give valuable results.

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68 Home Remedies for Wrinkles Around the Eyes

Most of the home remedies in this article are either dietary or involve using a paste or moisturizer near your eyes. While all of the paste/moisturizer home remedies in this article are safe to use on your face, try not to get the ingredients in your eyes, as this may make them burn or otherwise feel uncomfortable.


29 Home Remedies for Incontinence

The term incontinence refers to the release of urine in an uncontrolled manner. This type of sickness is more common among women than men and over ten million people in America suffer from incontinence. The incontinence issue occurs at any age but is mostly present in people older with people over 65 being the main victims of this problem.


43 Home Remedies for High Cholesterol

High cholesterol results when there is an increase in the blood pressure. It also results when there is an onslaught of kidney and liver diseases. The fat evident in blood is labeled as cholesterol and is put to use when you absorb the sun whilst converting it into vitamin D.  Cholesterol is also responsible for maintaining vital cell functions.

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56 Home Remedies for Gum Pain

Gum pain is one of the ailments that people have to contend with when it comes to oral health. Sometimes, the onset of gingivitis is the presence of soreness in the gums with or without tenderness around the gums.

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44 Home Remedies for Gastritis

Gastritis can be unpleasant, as it comes with bloating, nausea, acid reflux, stomach pain, among other symptoms. This ailment is one that can make your day unpleasant and keep you awake at night.  Many people lose their appetite when gastritis is in full swing.

The reason for the remedies is to ensure that you do not continue to suffer the disturbing symptoms.  Getting a hold of how to get relief from the ailment is important so that the needed changes can be made. Lifestyle changes, as well as the usage of remedies, will provide the relief that you need.