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Straight Hair 0

8 Easy Home Remedies For Straight Hair

If you want to get straighter hair, but you don’t want to damage your hair with heat or chemicals, then you’ve come to the right place. This article is full of tips that can...

Colic 0

8 Easy Home Remedies for Colic

Why Do Babies Suffer From Colic? Does your baby seem to never stop crying? How do you know if it’s colic or just crying? There is no known cause for colic, but the differences...

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8 Best Natural Home Remedies For Impotence

Nowadays there are constant advertisements for medications you can use to help against impotence. On television, radio, and billboards the cure for impotence is stated for you. But before you go for those temporary...

pollen allergies 0

8 Best Home Remedies For Pollen Allergies

Do You Suffer From Pollen Allergies? You may wonder why the seasonal change even bothers you. In the spring, pollen is released from plants. The plants that most commonly cause people allergy problems are...

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8 Amazing Home Remedies For Irregular Periods

Irregular Periods An irregular period or menstruation is one of the most common problems that affect women. This condition results in infrequent periods that occur more than 35 days with a heavy blood flow...

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7 Top Home Remedies For Hyperactivity (ADHD)

What Is Hyperactivity? Hyperactivity is Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children are born with this disorder and it might continue in their adulthood. There are a few problems related to ADHD that include trouble to maintain...

Baking Soda 0

8 Health Benefits Of Baking Soda

Baking soda is usually used as addition to cooking recipes for cakes, pancakes, and bread. But it can also be applied to treat a variety of ailments and pains that you never even knew...