Tagged: aloe vera gel

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19 Aloe Vera Health Benefits

While this first tip is not quite a health benefit, it sure makes using the aloe vera gel easier. Aloe vera gel comes in bottles and in capsules. So if you need it for your skin, you can use the gel; if you need it for something else on the inside, you can take a capsule.


35 Home Remedies for Herpes Symptoms

Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease and the herpes simplex virus (HSV) is responsible for it. This infection will become evident when it affects the skin surface, anal surface, and the outlying areas of the genitals in males and females.


27 Home Remedies for Styes

A stye is a type of small lump that people get on their eyelids. These small bumps are usually red or pink and they look much like a zit. They are incredibly common and not usually much cause for concern. However, they can become annoying, as they are painful. This can make reading, using anything with a bright screen, or focus your vision difficult. Styes usually heal on their own, but there are some home remedies that can help to speed up the process.

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29 Home Remedies for Acne Scars

Acne is a phase that all teenagers and adults go through during puberty, pregnancy and in general when times of stress occur. Some break out due to bad hygiene as well. Ance can sometimes lead to acne scars. You know that you have acne if you see pimples over your skin spread out. It would consist of blackheads, whiteheads, and short pink bumps and those are called papules. You can see acne on your face, back, legs, butt, cheeks, and shoulders.   

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Simple Homemade Face Wash Tutorial with Detailed Steps

People always prefer to use natural skin care products as they help you to preserve the health of the skin and bring a freshness. Making your own face wash is a great way to rejuvenate your facial health, and it would be better if you can make an Aloe Vera face wash which has many perks.


25 Home Remedies for Sunburn

Sunburn is something you get after being in the sun for too long. Like with normal burns, there are different severities of sunburn. Mild sunburn can be pink and red for three days to a week. After the three to seven days, your skin might start to peel a bit. That is nothing to worry about.

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24 Home Remedies for Hives

Hives are a skin rash that appears as swollen, red, and itchy bumps. They can appear in one place, appear in another, and the patterns in which they appear often changes. Hives are rarely ever dangerous or come with a serious condition.


42 Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing

Whenever a person eats, there is a generation of waste that takes place after the food gets digested. No matter how sweet or tasty your food is as you eat, there is a fraction of it that has to be expelled from your body. Colon cleansing is one way to get excess toxins out of your colon.

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21 Home Remedies for Chilblains

Chilblains occur when the skin becomes suddenly warm after it is exposed to cold temperatures. People who live in regions that are cold and humid are familiar with this medical condition.  The abrupt temperature changes will lead to an expansion of the blood vessels so that blood leaks into tissues that lie nearby. The parts of the body that can be affected include the toes, feet, hands, and earlobes.


15 Home Remedies for Impetigo

Impetigo is a kind of common and contagious skin infection that mostly affects young children and infants. The infection appears as sores that can occur around the mouth, nose, hands, and feet.