Tagged: asthma

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18 Reasons to Quit Smoking

Times are changing, and as far as smoking goes, it is for the better. In the 1940’s, people thought that smoking was good for you. The more studies that are done, the more they show that smoking is capable of killing the smoker and the people who suffer from second-hand smoking. There are plenty of reasons to quit.

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20 Home Remedies for a Dry Cough

There are a handful of ways you can cough without actually clearing your throat of anything. These coughs can ever happen when you’re not ill.  Nonproductive coughs are also called dry coughs. Asthma and the harsh panting or wheezing it brings can dry your throat and make you cough.


32 Home Remedies for Bronchitis Symptoms

Bronchitis is a chronic disease of the bronchi (air passages) in the lungs. These airways are responsible for moving air from the mouth and nose to the lungs, and vice versa. Respiratory infections cause breathing complications, suffocation, and engorgement of air passages. In more technical terms, bronchitis causes the inflammation and irritation of the main air passages of the lungs.

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51 Home Remedies for Asthma

Asthma places a burden on your air passages, such that movement of air from the nasal space and mouth to lungs and roundabout gets impaired. Asthma imposes a limitation that makes it difficult for...