Tagged: chest congestion

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39 Home Remedies for the Common Cold in Babies

The common cold is a viral contagion of the upper respiratory tract—mouth, nose, and throat. Due to its symptoms, it can be quite devastating watching your baby struggle with this condition. Unlike grownups, children are susceptible to infections because their immune system, lungs, and other organs, are not completely mature yet. This is why breastfeeding is of utmost importance to a baby’s health; breastmilk is filled with antibodies and chemicals that protect your baby from infections. Continue reading to learn more about the common cold in babies: what causes it, what the symptoms are, and how to cure a common cold in babies with natural home remedies. 


41 Home Remedies for Chest Congestion

Chest congestion describes a tightness in the chest. It can also be a heavy feeling in the chest region, and it happens when there is poor circulation within this framework of the body. When there is a failure of circulation, the movement of oxygen within the lungs becomes restricted or poor. The underlying reason for chest congestion varies as it might depend on a range of ailments or infections.