Tagged: cucumber

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16 Cucumber Health Benefits

Most people dismiss cucumbers as a fruit or veggie, but they actually, they are gourds. These green gourds were first cultivated in India 4,000 years ago. With time, cucumbers have come to be grown in China, Europe, Ancient Greece, Rome, and the New World. Keep reading to learn all about cucumber health benefits. 

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21 Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

What are sensitive teeth? While the issue is in the name, the issue is still different for many people. Some have only one sensitive tooth while another may a number of them if not all of them.


17 Home Remedies for Walking Pain

A lot of people suffer from some sort of pain including but not limited to leg pain when walking.  It can be in one or both legs. The pain could be so bad as to interfere with walking or just show itself in your feet. This article is about finding twenty home remedies for you to use.


19 Home Remedies for Sagging Breasts

The breasts normally will sag as the woman progresses in age.  The elasticity of the skin deprecates with age, and this is what happens to the breast as well. As a woman ages, the gravitational pull of the breast is more on the skin and the supportive muscles already begin to lose its firmness. This is what makes the breast to lose its attractive pointedness.

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30 Home Remedies for Chapped Lips

Cracked or chapped lips mainly occur when the lips are dry. The condition is caused by environmental and some health factors and medication. Cracked lips mostly occur in dry and low humid weather condition. Nonetheless, some people are prone to it and even reaches a more severe stage known as cheilitis.

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43 Home Remedies for Food Allergies

When you experience a food allergy, it means your body is overreacting to a certain food. As such, the body’s immune system produces antibodies to battle the allergic reaction. Consequences of these food allergies are more often than not rather delayed and not as serious as they can be.


36 Home Remedies for Eye Infections

When you are faced with eye problems, it is important to see an ophthalmologist. This is necessary as the requisite professional with the training and experience years is better suited to examine you.

Your doctor might prescribe antibiotics for use when eye infections occur. The use of antiviral medications is also commonly practiced. However, this process is only possible after the doctor determines the basis of the infection.