Tagged: dandruff

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5 DIY Dandruff Shampoo Recipes

We’ve previously published an article about how to make your own shampoo. However, we know that not every shampoo is perfect for everybody. That’s why we’ve created this list of shampoos that are perfect for people who struggle with dandruff or a dry, itchy scalp. Each of the five DIY dandruff shampoo recipes listed below are made out of natural ingredients.

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34 Indian Gooseberry Health Benefits

The fruit has a high level of a range of nutrients which contributes heavily to a number of health benefits. Its taste can be quite harsh and some people prefer to use it in other forms such as tablets, shampoos, or lotions.

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36 Banana Health Benefits

Bananas, the lovely yellow fruit, is one of the most widely consumed fruit in the world. Who doesn’t love them? The banana is a nutritious and wholesome fruit.  It’s tasty and one of the few fruits which cannot be juiced or milked. They come in other colors too, including red. Also, it is available throughout the year and is also very affordable. Bananas are a rich source of energy and storehouse of many nutrients.


33 Home Remedies for Dandruff

Many people experience dandruff at one time or another. In simple terms, dandruff results when dry flakes of skin are shed from the scalp. It might sometimes lead to itching of the scalp, but it is normally not accompanied by scabbing.


40 Home Remedies for a Dry Scalp

Dry scalp can result from simple and overlooked practices. When the scalp is dry, there is bound to be an underlying reason. While the place of ailments and infections can also not be left out here, it is important to always act swiftly whenever a change in your scalp condition is noticed. Early action is crucial in most cases and can prevent deterioration.

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38 Home Remedies for Dry Hair

Usually, people who have a dry skin type suffer from the problem of dry hair as well. Dry hair is a term given to hair that lacks natural sheen and is of a very rough texture.

The hair is similar to the skin and is made out of three layers which work in unison. This means that there are outer and inner layers of your hair. The outer hair layer protects the inner hair layers. A damaged top hair layer is the root of the dry hair problem. The sebaceous gland is responsible for releasing oil into the hair. A person suffering from dry hair usually has had their natural oils depleted through various activities.

Chlorine water splashing, sun tanning, prolonged exposure to heat from dryers and styling tools are all unhealthy actions. These actions strip your hair of its natural oils and cause dry hair. Both men and women can experience symptoms of dry hair.