Tagged: dry hair

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18 Home Remedies for Split Ends

Split ends occur when your hair starts to fray a little bit like a rope or thread. For the most part, split ends are caused by over brushing, coloring, heat (blow dryer, flat iron, or curling iron), and too much washing. All of these cause wear and tear on the hair can cause the ends to the split. Luckily, home remedies for split ends can help, no matter what the cause of your split ends are.

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18 Home Remedies for Frizzy Hair

Every girl, and some guys, have had to deal with frizzy hair at some point or another. But what exactly is it? So, what makes your hair look frizzy and dry is moisture that gets into the shafts and strands of your hair and makes them swell up. Luckily, there are many home remedies for frizzy hair.


33 Home Remedies for Dandruff

Many people experience dandruff at one time or another. In simple terms, dandruff results when dry flakes of skin are shed from the scalp. It might sometimes lead to itching of the scalp, but it is normally not accompanied by scabbing.


40 Home Remedies for Hair Loss

The loss of hundreds of hair strands daily should not be a cause for concern. The main time that hair loss becomes a cause of concern is when too much hair loss continuously occurs.

The reason for the above-mentioned statement is that hair loss occurs naturally due to new hair growing. The time when hair loss becomes unnatural and unusual is when more hair falls out than hair that is growing. The loss of too many hair strands might require a professional consultation with a dermal specialist.

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38 Home Remedies for Dry Hair

Usually, people who have a dry skin type suffer from the problem of dry hair as well. Dry hair is a term given to hair that lacks natural sheen and is of a very rough texture.

The hair is similar to the skin and is made out of three layers which work in unison. This means that there are outer and inner layers of your hair. The outer hair layer protects the inner hair layers. A damaged top hair layer is the root of the dry hair problem. The sebaceous gland is responsible for releasing oil into the hair. A person suffering from dry hair usually has had their natural oils depleted through various activities.

Chlorine water splashing, sun tanning, prolonged exposure to heat from dryers and styling tools are all unhealthy actions. These actions strip your hair of its natural oils and cause dry hair. Both men and women can experience symptoms of dry hair.