Tagged: eyes

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24 Ways to Prevent Cataracts

A cataract is a type of vision problem. When a person gets cataracts, the colored parts of their eye (pupil and iris) will turn a grayish color, as though they have fogged over. This can make it difficult to see through the eye. This can impact all parts of the vision, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and even night vision.

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52 Home Remedies for Astigmatism

Astigmatism, also known as a reflective error, is a problem involving the eyesight. Any irregularities of the eyes that causes light to focus improperly is an issue as objects will not appear in focus properly.


36 Home Remedies for Eye Infections

When you are faced with eye problems, it is important to see an ophthalmologist. This is necessary as the requisite professional with the training and experience years is better suited to examine you.

Your doctor might prescribe antibiotics for use when eye infections occur. The use of antiviral medications is also commonly practiced. However, this process is only possible after the doctor determines the basis of the infection.