Tagged: headache

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20 Home Remedies for Glaucoma Symptoms

Glaucoma is a disease in your eyes that can do damage to the optic nerves when fluid gathers in front of your eye and causes pressure to build up. The eye then starts to take on damage to the optic nerves because of the pressure build up. While home remedies for glaucoma cannot cure the condition entirely, it can treat the symptoms.

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24 Ways to Prevent Cataracts

A cataract is a type of vision problem. When a person gets cataracts, the colored parts of their eye (pupil and iris) will turn a grayish color, as though they have fogged over. This can make it difficult to see through the eye. This can impact all parts of the vision, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and even night vision.


20 Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that brings issues with sleep, mood, fatigue, and memory that is brought on by musculoskeletal pain. It is believed by doctors that Fibromyalgia is so painful because the disorder interferes with how the brain perceives pain.


21 Home Remedies for an Earache

There are a few different things that can lead to an earache. You could have injured the eardrum or your brain, you could have hurt a different part of your head but feel it in your ear, an irritation in the ear, or even an ear or sinus infection.


22 Home Remedies for Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is pretty self-explanatory. It is when you feel ill from traveling too quickly, in a new way, or even moving with your eyes on something other than where you are going.

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23 Home Remedies for a Caffeine Addiction

Caffeine is a drug that naturally occurs in numerous plants. Because it is found in plants, it has been considered both a food and a drug. You can find caffeine in a number of different edible things, namely energy drinks (that is a given), soda, chocolate, tea, and coffee. Now you can even get caffeine in pill form and gum. With how accessible caffeine is, it has become easy for people to become prone to a caffeine addiction.

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21 Home Remedies for Typhoid Fever

Symptoms of typhoid include but are not limited to a headache, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, vomiting, and hallucinations. Once diagnosed and treatment begins it takes about one month for the treatment to have a good effect on typhoid. Try the below home remedies in combination with anything your doctor prescribes.

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22 Home Remedies for a Sinus Infection

A sinus infection happens when your nasal cavity gets infected. The nasal cavities itself becomes inflamed and swollen due to the infection. It should be noted that there are two different kinds of sinus infections: acute and chronic sinus infections.


20 Home Remedies to Treat a Concussion

A concussion is a minor form of brain injury caused by a severe blow to the head, accident, a fall, or any other condition that shakes the brain. When this happens, there may be outward damage to the head or face, but the damage to the brain will need a diagnosis. In most cases, symptoms of a concussion may take longer to show after the incident.

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36 Banana Health Benefits

Bananas, the lovely yellow fruit, is one of the most widely consumed fruit in the world. Who doesn’t love them? The banana is a nutritious and wholesome fruit.  It’s tasty and one of the few fruits which cannot be juiced or milked. They come in other colors too, including red. Also, it is available throughout the year and is also very affordable. Bananas are a rich source of energy and storehouse of many nutrients.