Tagged: lemon


19 Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea, or feeling sick in the stomach, is quite a common occurrence and can be triggered by a number of things. Thankfully, there are also a large number of ways you can tackle nausea and help yourself feel better with natural home remedies.


22 Home Remedies for Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is pretty self-explanatory. It is when you feel ill from traveling too quickly, in a new way, or even moving with your eyes on something other than where you are going.

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23 Lemon Juice Health Benefits

Lemon juice is commonly used in our home remedy articles and for good reason! Lemons are chock-full of vitamin C and other great vitamins, minerals, and more. Their many health-boosting properties help to make lemons, especially their juice, so great. Below are some of lemon juice’s best health benefits.


17 Home Remedies for Fainting

More often than not, fainting is caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. Fainting is a way of the body trying to save itself. When blood or oxygen levels drop too severely, the brain shut down everything that body doesn’t need to survive so that the vital organs can use everything it needs.

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41 Home Remedies for Blemishes

Blemishes arise on the skin in any part of the human body but they are mostly seen on the neck, shoulders, or face. While there are several medications that are recommended, there are also cosmetics that are often loaded with chemicals and extreme on the skin.

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39 Home Remedies for the Common Cold in Babies

The common cold is a viral contagion of the upper respiratory tract—mouth, nose, and throat. Due to its symptoms, it can be quite devastating watching your baby struggle with this condition. Unlike grownups, children are susceptible to infections because their immune system, lungs, and other organs, are not completely mature yet. This is why breastfeeding is of utmost importance to a baby’s health; breastmilk is filled with antibodies and chemicals that protect your baby from infections. Continue reading to learn more about the common cold in babies: what causes it, what the symptoms are, and how to cure a common cold in babies with natural home remedies. 


20 Home Remedies to Treat a Concussion

A concussion is a minor form of brain injury caused by a severe blow to the head, accident, a fall, or any other condition that shakes the brain. When this happens, there may be outward damage to the head or face, but the damage to the brain will need a diagnosis. In most cases, symptoms of a concussion may take longer to show after the incident.


40 Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis, is a very contagious fungal infection caused by dermatophyte fungus. The term “athlete’s foot” shows that this condition is commonly seen on an athlete’s feet because shoes are worn for long periods of time. Other factors that can contribute to fungal infection includes going barefoot in public places, poor circulation, and immune deficiency.

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40 Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Untreated high blood pressure can cause damage to vital body organs. If the blood pressure rises and stays consistently high, it can cause injury to the brain and eyes, stroke, cardiac arrest, and more.

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20 Home Remedies for Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis refers to a medical condition whereby the arteries harden. This normally occurs as a result of an excessive accumulation of lime or calcium in these blood vessels. This condition is closely tied to the kind of lifestyles that people are engaged in. This means that the condition can also be solved through certain home remedies. Some of these remedies are discussed briefly below.