Tagged: mint

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24 Mint Health Benefits

Evidence of the mint plant has been traced back to the Egyptians in 1,000 BC was not cultivated until the late 17th century in England. This herb was used for medicine in ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt. In 1721, mint was listed in the London Pharmacopoeia and now appears in the modern version called The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia and in this great article all about mint health benefits.


25 Home Remedies for Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome has been diagnosed by doctors as a disorder that that involves episodes or recurring attacks of vomiting and nausea. Sometimes, this can stretch on for a few hours or extend for a number of days. These attacks could occur with or without accompanying symptoms for a longer time span.

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19 Cinnamon Health Benefits

Cinnamon has a longer history than being put in oatmeal and on cinnamon toast. It has once been used as a currency; it has been mentioned in Chinese writings since 2800 BC, and the ancient Egyptians used it for embalming. Cinnamon does not only make interesting small talk, it can also do fantastic things for your body.    


22 Home Remedies for Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is pretty self-explanatory. It is when you feel ill from traveling too quickly, in a new way, or even moving with your eyes on something other than where you are going.


19 Home Remedies for a Toothache

Toothaches are common in many persons.  “They are cavities or an infection; a tooth with an exposed tooth root, a cracked tooth, gum disease, a loose filling or a jaw joint disorder.” (Home Remedies for Toothache, 2013) A toothache originates in the center of the tooth where there is pulp. The pulp itself is irritated because the nerve roots are sensitive.  This article is on the home remedies you could do to help you with a toothache.

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24 Home Remedies for Hives

Hives are a skin rash that appears as swollen, red, and itchy bumps. They can appear in one place, appear in another, and the patterns in which they appear often changes. Hives are rarely ever dangerous or come with a serious condition.

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22 Home Remedies for Lactose Intolerance

Being intolerant to lactose means that you’re allergic to, or at least unable to fully digest the sugar called lactose in, dairy products. Most lactose intolerant people can manage their intolerance enough that they don’t have to give up dairy completely.

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50 Home Remedies for Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a condition that occurs during an overgrowth of bacteria in the buccal cavity. This can cause the tooth to be loosed due to the destruction of the tissue and bones surrounding the teeth. The initial stages of gum diseases known as gingivitis are characterized by swollen gum, reddened, and bleeding gum while eating or brushing.


25 Home Remedies for Anal Fissures

When a tear occurs along the lining found in your lower rectum, anal fissures is the term used to describe the condition.  This condition can lead to recurring pains when you go for bowel movements. They do not normally become protracted or lead to other ailments.


34 Home Remedies for Bed Bug Bites

Bed bugs are insects that feast on human blood. When left in your living space, they can bite and leave marks on the skin.  The aftermath of bed bug bites include some of the following symptoms:

*Dry skin