Tagged: moisturizer

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18 Cocoa Butter Health Benefits

While cocoa butter is only sometimes eaten for its health benefits, like dark chocolate, it is used even more externally to treat a variety of ailments.

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26 Home Remedies for Shingles Symptoms

Shingles is a virus that is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, the varicella-zoster virus. Shingles are found in most people who had chickenpox because the varicella-zoster virus is dormant in the nerve tissue by your spinal cord and brain. The virus can become active again years after you suffered from chickenpox.

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23 Avocado Health Benefits

Avocados have been eaten for about 10,000 years and actively grown for almost 5,000 years. When the Inca, Maya, and Olmec were the first people to grow and eat these delicious fruits, they may not have known just how good they are for you. Nowadays, we know.

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24 Coconut Oil Health Benefits

Coconut oil has lots of very good benefits. This article is a list of them. Coconut oil is fairly cheap, so it would be a shame not to reap in all of the good it can do for you.


Top 10 Home Remedies to Treat Smile Lines

Smile lines and wrinkles are not always signs of aging. Sometimes, some factors like excessive laughter and smiling or frowning can cause permanent lines around your mouth and eyes. This may make you older or even spoil the overall look of your face. Instead of using the invasive methods, cosmetic surgeries, and chemical treatments, it is better for you to apply some natural remedies and ingredients. The followings are top ten home remedies to treat smile lines with no side effects.


42 Home Remedies for Brittle Nails

Having strong nails is key to having healthy nails, as well as long nails. When nails are brittle, they are more prone to breakage and other damage. By following the home remedies listed in this article you can both learn how to prevent weak nails and make your nail stronger.


40 Home Remedies to Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is seen on the legs, thighs, and the lower hinge of the body that includes the buttocks. The appearance of cellulite is easily attributed to the poor dietary choices that sufferers made concerning their health.

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DIY Natural Moisturizers

Nowadays, commercial moisturizers can be expensive, and they are often filled with a number of questionable chemicals and additives. Luckily, there are plenty of natural alternatives that you can make and use at home. Follow the directions in this article to learn how to make and use homemade moisturizers.


36 Home Remedies for Ingrown Hair

An ingrown hair can create a raised, red swelling that looks like a little lump. In some cases, the lump could have a discharge within it that becomes evident when ruptured. The area affected may have the following:

Skin irritation

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How to Use Essential Oils Safely

It seems as though essential oils are becoming more popular each day. Essential oils can be derived from many sources. Different essential oils can be used in various home remedies. However, it is important that these essential oils are used safely. If used incorrectly, essential oils can lead to skin reactions, including dryness, rash, or an allergic reaction. This article is here to teach you the various ways in which you can use essential oils effectively and safely.