Tagged: neck pain


20 Home Remedies for Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that brings issues with sleep, mood, fatigue, and memory that is brought on by musculoskeletal pain. It is believed by doctors that Fibromyalgia is so painful because the disorder interferes with how the brain perceives pain.

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21 Home Remedies for a Stiff Neck

Having a stiff neck causes pain and sometimes makes it impossible to turn your head at all. Most people with a stiff neck says that their necks are worse in the morning. Rough activities can also cause your neck to get stiff.


17 Home Remedies for Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a condition that affects the framework of the neck and its effect can be felt around the joints. It is noted and reported as age-related and as such, wear and tear has a role to play for the condition to result.  The cervical spine is an area of focus as it is made up of a network of cartilage and bones, which gets worn down with aging. Other factors have been identified with time as contributory to the ailment, and they are also easily recognizable.