Tagged: skin care


23 Home Remedies for Sensitive Skin

Your skin is one of the most important parts of your body and one of your vital organs. It acts as a shield, protecting the organs inside your body whilst also helping to regulate body temperature. Perhaps most notably, however, is the role it plays in our appearance. Issues like sensitive skin can have an impact on both our appearance and our health. While some people are born with sensitive skin, others develop the issue in relation to certain bodily changes such as age or circumstances.

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42 Tea Tree Oil Health Benefits

Tea tree oil is derived from the leaves of tea tree plants. The tea tree is so-named because its leaves were used to make tea in the eighteenth century by sailors on the swamp Australian coasts. It is often confused with the tea plant, which is a different plant entirely and is used to create black and green teas.

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18 Cocoa Butter Health Benefits

While cocoa butter is only sometimes eaten for its health benefits, like dark chocolate, it is used even more externally to treat a variety of ailments.

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41 Health Benefits of Mangoes and Mango Leaves

Believe it or not, both the leaves and the fruit of the mango tree have wonderful health benefits which will be discussed in this article. The first section will cover the health benefits of the mango fruit, while the second section will cover the unique health benefits of the mango leaf. Keep reading to learn about some of the mango’s best health benefits.