Tagged: therapy


15 Home Remedies for Fear of Flying (Aviophobia)

Phobias are fears that are diagnosed by a psychologist or psychiatrist once the fear has appeared. The one most people know includes arachnophobia, the fear of spiders; acrophobia, the fear of heights; and agoraphobia which is the fear of crowds. Another common fear among individuals is the fear of flying or aviophobia. This article will focus on the symptoms, the possible causes, and the cures for overcoming this affliction.


19 Home Remedies for Drug Detoxification

Addiction withdrawals occur when drug abuse is being treated and there is a need to systematically help the patient return to normalcy. This becomes the basis for the building of a healthy mind and nurtures the physiology of the person concerned.

This article will discuss various home remedies that can help to make quitting drugs easier. These home remedies should work for cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy additions. To read an article on home remedies for heroin withdrawal, read this article.


33 Home Remedies for Autism Symptoms

There are certain causes that are possible for this disorder. These causes vary from problems in the pregnancy and childbirth, virus-related contaminations, exposure to certain environmental elements or contaminants and even allergies to certain foods such as gluten or dairy products. Autism is NOT caused by vaccines.