Tagged: toilet

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18 Home Remedies for Vaginal Discharge

Leukorrhea, or vaginal discharge, is common among women.  It is a thin or thick discharge of fluid, white, clear or another color in nature that is sometimes odorless or has an odor. It happens between your menstrual cycles or during pregnancy. It can last from a couple of days to a couple of weeks.

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35 Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids result due to the inflammation of the veins close to the anal opening or canal. Hemorrhoids are far from painless and thus if they remain for a long time than it does cause much distress. The common side effects of hemorrhoids involve bleeding during bowel movements and itchiness.  


30 Home Remedies for Cystitis

Cystitis causes one to visit the bathroom many times during the day. People who suffer from cystitis experience discomfort when they urinate.  Statistics show that one in six women contract cystitis annually. The infection is easily caught by women as their urethra opening is near the anus; allowing bacteria from the anus to rapidly spread to the bladder and cause an infection.