Tagged: vomit

heartburn, home remedies for pericarditis, chest pain, home remedies for heartburn, heartache 0

40 Home Remedies for Heartburn

Heartburn, sometimes having a symptom of acid reflux, is caused by escaped stomach acid or bile which overflows from your stomach and causes irritation to the esophagus lining. Depending on the case, it can cause mild to severe pain and if left untreated, could cause some serious damage. Using home remedies for heartburn is one efficient way to treat the symptoms so they do not get out of hand.

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32 Home Remedies for Morning Sickness

Whilst an unpleasant experience, morning sickness shouldn’t affect yours or your baby’s health, especially if you make sure you stay hydrated. However, if you do start to notice that your sickness is causing you to lose weight you may want to chat with your doctor.


25 Home Remedies for Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome

Cyclic vomiting syndrome has been diagnosed by doctors as a disorder that that involves episodes or recurring attacks of vomiting and nausea. Sometimes, this can stretch on for a few hours or extend for a number of days. These attacks could occur with or without accompanying symptoms for a longer time span.


19 Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea, or feeling sick in the stomach, is quite a common occurrence and can be triggered by a number of things. Thankfully, there are also a large number of ways you can tackle nausea and help yourself feel better with natural home remedies.


40 Home Remedies for the Flu

The cause of common cold has been identified to result from infection by viruses of about 200 similar and disparate types. The essence of this is to highlight that flu is not necessarily common cold. The symptoms of flu can be eliminated and the infection can be cured. Colds are also regarded to be milder compared to flu.