Tagged: yoga


20 Home Remedies for Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is when a woman between her 40’s and 50’s stops having menstrual cycles, though it’s not fully diagnosed until the woman’s gone a full year without having a menstrual cycle. While this process is completely natural and happens to every woman, that does not make it any less annoying.

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41 Home Remedies for Alzheimer’s Symptoms

One of the irreversible brain disorders that afflict individuals is the Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is a progressive one that was discovered in the year 1906 by Alois Alzheimer. The disease was first diagnosed at a German mental institution by the medical practitioner the disease was named after.


25 Home Remedies for Anal Fissures

When a tear occurs along the lining found in your lower rectum, anal fissures is the term used to describe the condition.  This condition can lead to recurring pains when you go for bowel movements. They do not normally become protracted or lead to other ailments.


30 Home Remedies for Bladder Infections

The bladder gets infected when bacteria gets into the urethra. The presence of the bacteria leads to body-immune reaction to flush out the foreign body. However, bacteria can attach itself to the bladder wall and if that happens, they will multiply rapidly, which causes bladder infections.


48 Home Remedies for Fibroids

Fibroids are firm, compact, non-cancerous tumors that are found in the uterine walls of the female reproductive system. Also known as uterine myomas, leiomyomas, or fibromas, fibroids are made up of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissues that develop in the uterus. The condition mostly starts small and can grow to the size of a watermelon. This can lead to a change in the shape and size of the uterus without showing any symptoms.


24 Home Remedies for Arthritis in the Legs

Arthritis is a common joint disorder, often characterized by joint inflammation. About 100 types of arthritis affect people of all races, sexes, and ages. Common symptoms include pain, swelling,  stiffness in joints, and painful movement. Often the symptoms come and go, vary in severity, but the condition worsens with time. Arthritis impairs one’s ability to perform daily tasks. All of the above symptoms also impact people with arthritis in the legs.

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28 Home Remedies for Canker Sores

Nearly everyone will have a canker sore at some point in their life. Canker sores are a type of small ulcer that forms inside of the mouth, usually on the insides of the cheeks or under the tongue; they can appear anywhere on the gums. Unlike cold sores, which appear on the outside of the mouth, canker sores are not contagious.

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40 Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Untreated high blood pressure can cause damage to vital body organs. If the blood pressure rises and stays consistently high, it can cause injury to the brain and eyes, stroke, cardiac arrest, and more.


30 Home Remedies for Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is a term that describes the cardiac disturbance that people normally go through. In most cases, there are instances where people experience an increase in their heartbeat rate. When this occurs as a result of increased excitement then this form of Arrhythmia is nothing but a normal thing to go through. It is for this reason that most people do not consider this irregularity to be something serious. Arrhythmia is also referred to as cardiac dysrhythmia. This ailment is experienced mostly in the elderly individuals aged above 60.

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20 Home Remedies for Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis refers to a medical condition whereby the arteries harden. This normally occurs as a result of an excessive accumulation of lime or calcium in these blood vessels. This condition is closely tied to the kind of lifestyles that people are engaged in. This means that the condition can also be solved through certain home remedies. Some of these remedies are discussed briefly below.